Payroll Processing Checklists

During the past few months, several members of our team have worked toward improving the payroll reporting documents to help in training and day to day work.  Their hard work has resulted in creation of a user friendly checklist and a couple of in-depth reference tools for the Payroll Processing Monthly and Weekly processes.  The great news is that these great tools have been approved to use for audit purposes by the Director of Payroll, Cheryl Seifritz.  She stated that we have captured all the required controls and added some praise for looking beyond the form to be able to utilize it for other purposes beside the audit aspect.


Biweekly Payroll Processing Instructions Burns

Monthly Payroll Processing Instructions Burns

Robin’s Payroll Checklist-Final

HR Leaders Need to Stand Out

  1. Find your niche; build your reputation around a particular niche (e.g. talent development, talent acquisition, or employee/labor relations.)
  2. Use email to your advantage; while we can’t force others to be prepared for meetings, we can send an email to the person with whom you’re meeting a few days in advance of your get-together. Use the subject line “In advance of our meeting”, it is likely the other person will open your message.
  3. Become a hub; build connections with disparate people and groups across the organization.
  4. Show why your work matters; cite hard statistics and the business results your work has produced.

Grow your personal brand and professional reputation; underline the benefits for your company.  Demonstrate the value of your increased exposure.

HR Magazine March 2016, “Why HR Leaders Need to Stand Out”, by Dorie Clark

Bullying at Work

Bullying by industry, education has been reported to have 23% of respondents to surveys indicate they have been bullied or have witnessed bullying by others in the workplace.

Signs of bullying include, but are not limited to:

  • Constant and unfair criticism
  • Excessive teasing
  • Yelling, shouting and screaming
  • Insults and behind-the-back put-downs
  • Hostile glares and other intimidating gestures
  • Malicious gossip
  • Monopolizing supplies and other resources
  • Aggressive emails or notes
  • Overt threats, aggression or violence

It is important to professionally confront the bully.  Many bullies aren’t aware that they’re bullies.  They just think that is the way things are done.  Many times, after a bully is confronted the turnaround in behavior is unbelievable.

Document the bullying when the bully fails to improve behavior.  Gather evidence, work with Elayne and OHR.

HR Magazine March 2016, “Where the Bullies Are”, by Dana Wilkie