College Orientation 101: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Written By Lexi Troyer

I recently completed my first year of college at Ohio State ATI and am now preparing to begin my second year in August, majoring in Animal Biosciences. Reflecting on where I was a year ago, I was getting ready for orientation, purchasing items for my apartment, and meeting my roommates. It was an incredibly exciting time, yet also quite overwhelming and chaotic. Currently working in the Ohio State ATI Admissions Office this summer, I speak with incoming students who are experiencing the same feelings I had. While I cannot eliminate their stress, I can share insight about orientation and what to expect for those attending this summer.

Orientation helps new students transition smoothly into college life in several ways.

  1. Orientation will serve as an introduction to campus, whether you have been here before or are visiting for the first time at orientation. You can tour the campus and see important locations like the Wooster Science Building, campus farms, classrooms, inside our apartments, the library, and Café Carmen.
  2. At orientation, you will learn more about the registration process to schedule your classes.
  3. You will also be introduced to various campus resources, including academic advising, counseling services, disability services, financial aid, IT for technical support, Program Excel, the bookstore, and our student life activities on campus. These areas of support will ensure that you know where to seek help when needed.
  4. Attending orientation will also benefit your social integration. You’ll have the chance to meet your peers, make new friends, and build a sense of community. Additionally, there will be panels featuring current sophomores who will answer questions from incoming freshmen. Fun fact, I met two of my three roommates for the first time at orientation.
  5. Lastly before you leave orientation, be sure to get your BuckID, which serves as your official identification card for various campus services, facilities, and activities. Remember that you must bring a government-issued photo ID (i.e., passport, driver’s license, state ID, etc.) to obtain your Buck ID at orientation.

Overall, orientation offers an enjoyable experience that serves as the starting point for acquainting yourself with fellow students, faculty, and staff, as well as the diverse array of programs available at Ohio State ATI. It’s a time filled with excitement and discovery, where you’ll begin to make connections and explore the opportunities that await you during your college journey.

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