In the Field Friday; Devan Eckert’18


Meet Devan Eckert! 

This week’s In the Field Friday is Devan Eckert. Devan is from Stockport, Ohio and graduated from ATI in 2018 with her degree in agriscience education. Devan is spending her summer interning with Holmes County Extension. At the completion of her summer internship, Devan will head back to Columbus for her senior year of college. Starting in January, Devan will be wrapping up her bachelor’s degree by student teaching at Southern High School in Racine, Ohio. After graduation, Devan plans on pursuing a high school agricultural teaching position. Devan’s advice to future ATI students is “Beginning at ATI made my transition to Columbus much easier. Always stay open-minded, things will not always go like you planned. Take advantage of every opportunity to grow as an individual, and get involved with student clubs and organizations.”.

In the Field Friday: Garrett O’Donnell ’14

This week’s In the Field Friday is Garrett O’Donnell! Garrett graduated from Ohio State ATI in 2014 with his associate science degree in agricultural systems management. He then later went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in Columbus in 2015. Garrett currently works at Darling Ingredients in Winesburg, Ohio where he is the production manager. Darling Ingredients is the world’s largest producer of sustainable natural ingredients with over 200 facilities over 5 continents. At the Winesburg facility; they process and manufacture feed ingredients for the pet food industry. He oversees a staff of 35 employees and the production processes of the facility.

When asked about his time here at ATI Garrett responded, “I recommend Ohio State ATI to any “farm kid” like myself. I grew up on a small livestock operation. I was heavily active in 4-H and FFA growing up in Holmes county. My favorite parts about ATI were the small class sizes, the hands-on learning environment and facilities to apply knowledge and the first name basis that I had with my professors and the faculty”.

He later went on to give advice for any future students, “My advice would be to get involved in as much as possible. I worked for the university grounds crew, served as a resident advisor for the Applewood Village, was a member of the Hoof & Hide Club, participated in intramural softball and was voted the 2013 Homecoming King during my time at ATI. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent at The Ohio State University and recommend ATI to anyone looking for a step in the right direction towards their career! Go Bucks!!”