Ohio State ATI Swine Facility

At Ohio State ATI, we are proud to provide our students with hands-on experiential learning opportunities! Our swine facilities are no different. Our students are out working with the animals every day and gain experience in every aspect of the industry!  If you are interested in learning about swine check out our Livestock Production and Management degree or our Animal Sciences degree with a swine specialization. You can always schedule a visit to learn more about any particular program!

Ohio State ATI Library

Ohio State ATI’s library is all about finding ways to help students succeed academically. Our library team of Kathy Yoder, Kris Purdy and Abagail Burkey have a combined 37 years at ATI and truly love helping our students. Their biggest advice for a prospective student is, “Don’t be shy about asking questions. That is why we are here. We love helping students figure out what they really need.”

Ohio State ATI Beef Facility

We are really proud of our new beef teaching, research, and outreach facility which was completed in 2020. It joins our beef handling facility which was designed by animal behaviorist Dr. Temple Grandin! Our beef facilities are great for both animal welfare and student learning. If you are interested in learning more about our livestock and animal sciences programs, start here, but we also encourage you to schedule a visit!


In the Field Friday: Emily Singleton

By: Nicole McMullen

For our last “In the Field Friday” of the summer we are highlighting Emily Singleton. Singleton is a current Animal Sciences major with an Animal Health specialization at Ohio State ATI. She is from Wilmington, Ohio. She spent some of her time this past summer serving as an orientation ambassador for Ohio State ATI. We would also like to congratulate her for being appointed as the president of the Pre-Vet Club for this school year.

Her internship was with Fine Swine, LLC, located in South Solon, Ohio, as a farrowing (birthing) and gestation (pregnancy) technician. For gestation, Singleton performed heat and pregnancy checks and also bred and treated sows. In addition, she aided in the farrowing of piglets. Throughout her internship she had to keep accurate records for each sow and piglet to ensure animal health and safety were maintained.

Singleton advises students to plan for each week and to be prepared for any major upcoming assignments. “Space everything out and be sure to set aside certain time blocks every day for each of your classes, but don’t forget to set aside time for yourself each day!”

To learn more about what Ohio State ATI has to offer, please visit, ati.osu.edu.

Student Activities Center

College is a time in your life to try new things! No one emphasizes that more than Jodie Holava, Ohio State ATI’s Student Activities Coordinator. Her biggest advice to a prospective student is “Try it all! You want to join a student group? Go for it! Go on a trip to visit someplace you’ve never been? Why not!  It may be uncomfortable and something you’ve never done before, but that’s how you learn and grow!” In her role at the Student Activities Center Jodie is always working on bringing in new activities for our students to enjoy!

Learn more about virtual visits: https://ati.osu.edu/visit

In the Field Friday: Kalyn Blue and Olivia Rinesmith

By: Nicole McMullen

Kalyn Blue

Kalyn Blue

This week we will be highlighting two current Ohio State ATI students, Kalyn Blue and Olivia Rinesmith. Both of these students interned at an Ohio State University 4-H Extension office.

Blue is a current Agriscience and Extension Education major from Hamler, Ohio. This summer she interned with both Henry and Fulton County 4-H Extension offices. Her projects included coordinating judges and assisting with questions and office duties. Her advice to future students is to get engaged and involved. “The student organizations and opportunities available through Ohio State will put you ahead for your future career!” Blue added.

Olivia Rinesmith

Olivia Rinesmith

From London, Ohio, Rinesmith is studying Agricultural Communication. She completed her internship with the Madison County 4-H Extension office, focusing on the county fair. She attended junior and senior fair board meetings, created graphics for social media, recorded live shows, and assisted with interviews for the junior fair board. Rinesmith shared, ”Having a virtual internship has helped me with my technology skills, as well as communication skills through web calls.”

If you would like to know more about a major in Agriscience Education, Extension Education, or Agricultural Communication, please visit, the following websites:



