In The Field Friday: Logan Pope

Logan Pope: Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center

Logan Pope, a second-year Animal Sciences major, has found her passion through her internship. Her experiences started during her first year at Ohio State ATI in a student position at CFAES Wooster’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. As a research-based assistant, Logan was pushed out of her comfort zone; however, she quickly learned that research would be something she loved doing. 

Logan landed her internship by simply asking her professor, Dr. Chanhee Lee, if there were any opportunities that would allow her to stay at the Wooster Campus for the summer. He quickly came up with a project for her, which is primarily conducted through the Krauss Dairy Facility. Her current project involves in vitro testing where she collects rumen samples from dairy cattle, adds different feeds or treatments, incubates them, and then analyzes the samples over a 24-hour period. 

During the spring semester, Logan had the opportunity to attend the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference in Fort Wayne, IN, where she presented research from a graduate student project she assisted with. Logan is excited to share that she will be able to attend the conference next year to present her own research, which she is conducting during her summer internship. She also reports that through her internship, she is gaining many laboratory skills as well as presentation and cattle-handling skills. 

So far Logan’s experience has been one full of learning and laughs. Her piece of advice to incoming and current students is, “Get into research if you have the opportunity! This was something that truly scared me when I started, and some things still do, but the knowledge I have gained is so worth it. Get out of your comfort zone, because if it scares you, it’s probably worth doing.” 

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