Ohio State ATI’s library is all about finding ways to help students succeed academically. Our library team of Kathy Yoder, Kris Purdy, and Abagail Burkey have a combined 37 years at ATI and truly love helping our students.
Their biggest piece of advice for a prospective student is, “Don’t be shy about asking questions. That is why we are here. We love helping students figure out what they really need.”
They point out that a benefit of Ohio State ATI’s smaller size is that students can meet with a librarian any day of the school week. Librarians can help with research and so much more. Students can use the Library Help Desk to ask questions, and the librarians are happy to point them in the correct direction.
The library also has many resources to help students succeed academically. First, they keep a copy of all the textbooks that a student may need for class, so a student can use the library edition while they are in the library. They offer all sorts of technology, from laptops and headphones to phone chargers and printers/copiers. Lastly, they have various types of study spaces for every learning style, including group study and quiet individual spaces.
Since we are part of The Ohio State University, if our library does not have what a student needs, our librarians can obtain it from the Columbus campus or one of the other regional campuses. We are also connected to other university libraries in Ohio through OhioLink.
Kathy, Kris, and Abby look forward to welcoming new ATI students to the library. Ohio State ATI’s library is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 in the morning to 8:00 in the evening, except Fridays when they close at 5:00 p.m.