Calling all gardeners! If you are interested in becoming an OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV), the Brown County Master Gardener Volunteers are planning to offer a New MGV training in 2022. The MGV program works with county Extension personnel to provide educational services to the community while providing the opportunity to sharpen your gardening skills and knowledge. These services often include hosting seminars, garden activities, and other horticultural events. This program helps active members network with other gardeners and provides access to numerous continuing education opportunities. The Brown County Master Gardeners are looking for people who want to: learn more about plants and gardening, participate in practical and intensive training programs, share knowledge with others, and devotes time to serve your community as a volunteer educator.

  1. Be accepted into the Master Gardener program by completing the volunteer application. (Applications are not yet available)
  2. Complete the formal training provided by The Ohio State University Extension. Training is approximately 50 hours along with receiving a 70% or better on all quizzes and exams.
  3. Complete 50 volunteer hours on projects that are pre-approved by the Master Gardener coordinator. (The volunteer time must be completed within one calendar year after their formal training.)

Additional information can be found at Brown County Master Gardeners.  If you are wanting to become a Brown County Master Gardener Volunteer, give the Brown County Extension Office a call at 937-378-6716 by April 21, 2022

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