Plant Date: April 28, 2021
Full Site available at:
Report Date: May 10, 2021
Description: Emergence started.
Growing Degree Day since planting: ~100
Total Growing Degree Day since 01/01/21: 435
Report Date: May 20, 2021
Growing Degree Day since planting: ~100
Total Growing Degree Day since 01/01/21: 435
Growth: Wide Variety of seedling stages (non-emerged to VC). Some seeds still in the soil were rotten and others were still viable and germinating.
Pest: Bean Leaf Beetles (BLB) and foliar damgae presesnt.
Source: Hammond, et al. Bean Leaf Beetle on Soybean,
- Description: BLB can overwinter in the adult stage and will pass through 2 generations in Ohio. Overwintering adults are found now feeding of soybean foliage. 2nd generations appear around August and September.
- Early Seaon Scouting and Damage: As with this field, early planted fields can become a trap crop for the first generation, especially if minimal soybeans are emergend in surrounding areas. However, economic injury is rare at this stage. “Severe leaf feeding can cause significant damage and should be stopped if defoliation goes over 50%, plants are being stunted, and beetles are still actively feeding.” The foliar damge foud in this field ranged from 5-10%.
- Late Season and Scouting: Later planted soybeans that are still green in September can also serve as a trap crop if others nearby have reach physiological maturity. “Scouting, sweeping for population or for defoliation assessment, pull 20 plants and estimate damage among entire plant. Rescue treatment is justified when defoliation exceeds: 40% prior to bloom, 15% from bloom to pod-fill, and 25% after pod-fill to plant yellowing.” BLB can slaco vector bean pod mottle virus (BPMV.) “Infection by this virus results in plants that remain green well past harvest maturity, with seeds that often are severely mottled”
- More details on identification and management:
- Ohio Sate Bean Leaf Beetle Fact Sheet |