The organizers of the seminar for 2024-2025 are Ovidiu Costin, Jan Lang, and Jonathan Stanfill.
The regular time for the seminar will be Thursday from 3-4 p.m. eastern time. For more information, to request the Zoom meeting link, or if you are interested in giving a talk at the seminar, please contact Jonathan Stanfill or Jan Lang.
Date/Time | Location | Speaker | Institution | Title (click to see abstract) | Slides |
September 5 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Wencai Liu | Texas A&M University |
Algebraic geometry, analysis and combinatorics in the study of periodic graph operatorsIn this talk, we will discuss the crucial role that the algebraic properties of complex Bloch and Fermi varieties play in the study of periodic graph operators. I will begin with an introduction to the basics of periodic graph operators, followed by a discussion of recent discoveries, particularly focusing on the irreducibility of Bloch and Fermi varieties. |
Slides AOTS Sep 5, 24 |
September 12 at 3 p.m. | Zoom | Maria Cristina Pereyra | University of New Mexico |
(Variable) Haar multipliers and weighted inequalitiesThe variable Haar multipliers are analogous to pseudo-differential operators where the trigonometric functions have been replaced by the basis of Haar functions indexed on the dyadic intervals. In the classical case the symbol of the operator depends on space and frequency variables, in the Haar case, the symbols depend on the space and the dyadic frequency variables. We study a particular class of these operators that we call signed t-Haar multipliers, the symbol involves a weight w, a choice of signs \sigma, and the real parameter t. This part is joint work with Daewon Chung, Jean Moraes, Weijan Huang, and Brett Wick. |
N/A |
September 19 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Peter D. Miller | University of Michigan |
Universality in the Small-Dispersion Limit of the Benjamin-Ono EquationThis talk concerns the Benjamin-Ono (BO) equation of internal wave theory, and properties of the solution of the Cauchy initial-value problem in the situation that the initial data is fixed but the coefficient of the nonlocal dispersive term in the equation is allowed to tend to zero (i.e., the zero-dispersion limit). It is well-known that existence of a limit requires the weak topology because high-frequency oscillations appear even though they are not present in the initial data. Physically, this phenomenon corresponds to the generation of a dispersive shock wave. In the setting of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, it has been shown that dispersive shock waves exhibit a universal form independent of initial data near the two edges of the dispersive shock wave, and also near the gradient catastrophe point for the inviscid Burgers equation from which the shock wave forms. In this talk, we will present corresponding universality results for the BO equation. These have quite a different character than in the KdV case; while for KdV one has universal wave profiles expressed in terms of solutions of Painlevé-type equations, for BO one instead has expressions in terms of classical Airy functions and Pearcey integrals. These results are proved for general rational initial data using a new approach based on an explicit formula for the solution of the Cauchy problem for BO. This is joint work with Elliot Blackstone, Louise Gassot, Patrick Gérard, and Matthew Mitchell. |
N/A |
September 26 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Jonathan Stanfill | The Ohio State University |
A finer limit circle/limit point classification for Sturm-Liouville operatorsWe introduce a new finer limit point/limit circle classification for Sturm-Liouville equations by defining the regularization index. The results rely on the integrability of the product of the principal and nonprincipal solutions near singular endpoints and constructing a spectral parameter power series (i.e., a Taylor series in the spectral parameter z) for solutions of the Sturm-Liouville problem. The regularization index at the singular endpoint is then defined by comparing the growth in x of the coefficients of the power series. Implications include classifying when these series are well-behaved asymptotic series (in a precise sense), quantifying how far certain limit point endpoints are away from being Darboux transformed to a limit circle endpoint, and extending Weyl eigenvalue asymptotics to singular problems. These results will be motivated by multiple examples. This talk is based on joint work with Mateusz Piorkowski. |
Slides AOTS Sep 26, 24 |
October 3 at 3 p.m. | Zoom | Tom Claeys | UCLouvain, Belgium |
Biorthogonal measures associated with polymer partition functionsI will explain how several exactly solvable polymer models are related to signed biorthogonal measures. These measures reduce to classical orthogonal polynomial ensembles in the zero-temperature limit. I will explain how asymptotic analysis of the signed biorthogonal measures provides insight in large deviations for the polymer partition functions and what the current limitations of this method are. |
Slides AOTS Oct 3, 24 |
October 17 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Chris Marx | Oberlin College |
Potential dependence of the density of states for Schrödinger operators on graphsIn this talk we will explore the dependence of the density of states for Schrödinger operators on the potential. The density of states characterizes the averaged spectral properties of a quantum system. Formally, it can be obtained as an infinite volume limit of the spectral density associated with finite-volume restrictions of a quantum system. Such a limit is known to exist for certain quantum mechanical models, most importantly for Schrödinger operators with periodic and random potentials. Following ideas by J. Bourgain and A. Klein, we will consider the density of states outer measure (DOSoM) which is well defined for all Schrödinger operators. We will explicitly quantify the parameter dependence of the DOSoM by proving a modulus of continuity with respect to the potential (in $L^\infinity$-norm and weak topology). This result is obtained for all discrete Schrödinger operators on infinite graphs and captures the geometry of the graph at infinity. Applications of this result to random and ergodic operators will be presented. This talk is based on joint work with Peter Hislop (University of Kentucky). |
Slides AOTS Oct 17, 24 |
October 24 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Jeffrey Schenker | Michigan State University |
Quantum Trajectories under Repeated Generalized MeasurementsIn his classic text, von Neumann emphasized that quantum mechanics contains “two fundamentally different types” of state changes: unitary evolution and measurement. Although Born’s rule provides an unambiguous procedure for computing the probability distribution for the outcomes of a measurement, the state change induced by a measurement, sometimes referred to as “the collapse of the wave function,” is less clearly defined. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, careful physical analyses led to the formulation of the notion of “generalized” measurement, in which an ancillary system is measured and then discarded. In this talk, a general framework for describing “quantum trajectories,” i.e., the evolution of the state of a system under repeated generalized measurements, will be described. At a mathematical level, quantum trajectories are a particular type of Markov chains. Two classes of results will be discussed: 1) results on asymptotic purification of quantum trajectories, originally due to Kümmerer and Maassen, and 2) more recent work by various authors on large deviation principles for the results of measurements. In each case, recent work of the PI and coauthors has generalized these results to repeated random measurements subject to stationary and ergodic noise. |
N/A |
October 31 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Catalin Georgescu | University of South Dakota |
Obstructions to Frame Vectors and Group RepresentationsWe investigate obstructions to the existence of frame vectors, in particular related to group representation and we provide examples of groups having faithful representations without frame vectors. As a result of these constructions we obtain a new characterization of amenability and a weaker form of Kazhdan’s property (T). This is joint work with Gabriel Picioroaga. |
Slides AOTS Oct 31, 24 |
November 7 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Chian Chuah | The Ohio State University |
Measurement of non-compactness of Sobolev embedding into function spacesThe study of Sobolev embedding into function spaces such as the Lebesgue spaces and Lorentz spaces plays a fundamental role in the field of PDE and approximation theory. In the classical setting, the Rellich–Kondrachov theorem provides condition on which the Sobolev embedding is compact. In the case where the embedding is non-compact, there are various levels to which one can measure the quality of non-compactness. In this talk, we discuss the compactness of Sobolev embedding into the variable Lorentz space where the behavior of non-compactness is concentrated around a single point. The quality of non-compactness is also discussed in this case. If time permits, we also discuss the measurement of non-compactness for various function spaces. This is a joint work with Jan Lang and Liding Yao. |
N/A |
†November 14 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Armin Schikorra | University of Pittsburgh |
On Calderon-Zygmund theory for the p-LaplacianI will discuss how to disprove a conjecture by Iwaniec from 1983 about Calderon-Zygmund estimates for $L^r $where $r$ is close to $p-1$. |
Slides AOTS Nov 14, 24 |
*November 21 at 11:30 a.m. (Special time) | MW 154 | Gino Biondini | University at Buffalo, State University of New York |
NLS equations with periodic BCs:
Slides AOTS Nov 21, 24 |
December 5 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Rodica Costin | The Ohio State University |
Long time evolution of the H\’enon-Heiles system for small energyThe Henon-Heiles system, initially introduced as a simplified model of galactic dynamics, has become a paradigmatic example in the study of nonlinear systems. Despite its simplicity, it exhibits remarkably rich dynamical behavior, including the interplay between regular and chaotic orbital dynamics, resonances, and stochastic regions in phase space, which have inspired extensive research in nonlinear dynamics. This is joint work with Ovidiu Costin and Kriti Sehgal. |
Slides AOTS Dec 5, 24 |
†January 6 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | David Cruz-Uribe | University of Alabama |
The fine properties of Muckenhoupt weights in the variable Lebesgue spacesThe theory of Muckenhoupt A_p weights, 1≤p<∞, has been an important area of harmonic analysis for more than 50 years. As part of this, a rich structure theory for these weights hase been developed, including the reverse Hölder inequality, left-openness, Jones factorization, and Rubio de Francia extrapolation. These weights give sufficient (and in some cases necessary) conditions for maximal operators, singular integrals, and other operators of classical harmonic analysis to be bounded on the weighted variable Lebesgue space L^{p(⋅)}(w). |
N/A |
March 20 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Sivaguru S Sritharan | Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, OH |
Nonlinear Evolutions in von Neumann AlgebrasIn this talk we will present an overview of large class of linear and nonlinear evolution equations in von Neumann algebras that arise in control theory, transport theory, filtering theory, open quantum systems and operator theory (noncommutative E_{0} semigroups) in a possibly unified perspective. These operator-valued evolutions can have bounded as well as unbounded infinitesimal generators. We will discuss some rigorous aspects of these operator-valued evolutions. |
March 27 at 3 p.m. | MW 154 | Jake Fillman | Texas A&M University |
April 17 | MW 154 | Brian C. Hall | University of Notre Dame |
April | MW 154 | Fritz Gesztesy | Baylor University |
* Joint PDE Seminar talk
† Joint Harmonic Analysis and Several Complex Variables Seminar talk