Livestock and Grain Producers: Dealing with Vomitoxin and Zearalenone

Vomitoxin in the 2020 corn crop continues to plague both livestock and grain producers. Livestock producers are trying to decide how best to manage corn and corn by-products with high levels of vomitoxin, and those who grow corn are trying to decide how best to avoid vomitoxin contamination in 2021.

In the 15 minute video below, OSU Extension Educations John Barker, Rob Leeds, and Jacci Smith discuss where and why this year’s vomitoxin issues originated, considerations for avoiding problems in coming years, how it impacts livestock, and what’s involved in testing grain for vomitoxin.

Certified Livestock Managers Continuing Education Opportunity

The Ohio Pork Council, The Ohio State University Extension and The Ohio Department of Agriculture are hosting two Certified Livestock Managers Webinars in December. Individuals can obtain 2.0 CLM CE Credits for attending each webinar. Programming for each webinar is as follows:

December 2: 2.0 CE Credits

  • Biosecurity Breaches – Andreia Arruda, DVM, OSU Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
  • Livestock Mortality Composting Update – Dr. Steve Moeller, OSU Swine Extension Specialist
  • Worker Safety – Dr. Dee Jepsen, OSU Ag Safety and Health Leader

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