After Lab 9


Task Teamate Start Date Due Date Time
Oral Pres. Draft All 4/3 4/6 90 min
Collect EEPROM Quin 4/3 4/6 30 min
Improve Code All 4/3 4/6 120 min
Portfolio Jack 4/3 4/6 60 min

Team Meeting Notes

Date: 4/ 2/ 2017

Time: 8 pm

Members Present: Jack Allbright, Matthew Krohnheimer, Quin Deval, Colin Staten

Topics Discussed: logistics for completing various tasks, ways to improve efficiency


  • Complete the progress report and plan for upcoming assigments

To do/Action Items:

  • Use the next week of lab to work on the consistency of the AEV
  • Successfully code through the end of the mission
  • Complete Lab 9 Progress Report
  • Record more data from AEV in order to evaluate power efficiency.


  • Jack and Colin will handle documentation and presentation
  • Quin and Matt will evaluate code and AEV navigation


  • Get ahead on assignments to allow for better planning