Face Mask Update

Effective immediately, June 1, 2021, we have been given university approval to follow local guidance for our statewide campuses with regard to masks. What this means for OSU Extension, in general:

  • Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at 4-H camp (day or overnight) for ALL employees AND clientele
  • Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at any OSU Extension (including 4-H non-camp) programs and activities for ALL employees AND clientele
  • Face masks are not required to be worn inside or outside at county offices for ALL employees AND clientele
  • Face masks are strongly recommended for those who are not yet fully vaccinated (strongly recommended means the individual chooses to wear a mask or not)

All other health and safety guidance is still in effect, such as physical distancing and sanitizing.

Virtual Meat Judging Contest

For those 4-H members interested in meat judging, the American Meat Science Association is offering a virtual meat judging series this summer for youth in 3rd – 12th grade. Awards and scholarships will be given to winners in each division. Click here  for additional information.

Still Project Judging

Save the date!  Early still project judging and livestock project judging will be held on July 8 from 5:00 – 9:00 PM at the Fairgrounds Event Center, with the State Fair awards program and Fashion Revue at 7:00 on July 13. Please note that the location of the awards program and fashion revue has changed to the Fairgrounds Event Center.  Last chance project judging will be held on August 10 from 6:00 – 9:00 PM at the fairgrounds.  Watch for more information in the coming weeks!

Rabbit Clinic

The Poultry/Rabbit Committee will be holding a rabbit clinic on Tuesday, June 22 at 7:00 PM in the Goat/Sheep Arena.  Be sure to bring all of your rabbit project questions for committee members!

May Junior Leaders Meeting

Our next Junior Leaders meeting will be held on Monday, May 3 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Since we were unable to complete our annual Bikes for Kids service project back in December, this year we will be helping the senior fair board to assemble sheep pens for this year’s fair.  After the pens are set up, we will have refreshments and Barry Joliff will lead some games and activities in the sheep arena. We will be meeting at 7:00 PM in the sheep barn. Since the 50-person limit for events has been lifted, no sign-up is needed for this month’s meeting! Come ready to help out and have fun!

April Junior Leaders Meeting

The next Junior Leaders Club meeting will be held on Monday April 5th from 7-9 pm at the Fisher Auditorium on the OSU Wooster Campus.  This month’s meeting will feature a career/leadership panel of guest speakers including Mike Pallotta of Pallotta Ford Lincoln, local banker Chad Boreman, Officer Nate Koch of the Wooster Police Department, and Barry Jolliff, leadership/teambuilding expert and 4-H volunteer.  Following the panel, Jolliff will also lead a variety of games and line dances.  Due to current COVID restrictions, this meeting will be limited to 50 total participants including Junior Leaders Club advisors and guest speakers. Go to go.osu.edu/aprjrleaders to register!