Livestock Project Record Books

Livestock project record books for anyone not competing in the Outstanding Exhibitor Program can be graded by club advisors or submitted to be graded by volunteers from the respective livestock committees.  All livestock record books being submitted to the committees for grading are due on Tuesday, August 10 at the judging event held at the fairgrounds from 6-9 pm.  Graded books will be returned to clubs/advisors when fair passes are picked up prior to the fair.  Click here to see the record book pages that need to be completed for each species.  Grading rubrics are also available for each species.  Click the links below to view the grading rubrics:


Dairy Cow

Dairy Heifer





Breeding Rabbit

Market Rabbit

Pet Rabbit

Breeding Sheep

Market Lamb

Market Swine


Outstanding Exhibitor Updates

Updated scoring criteria and other information about our Outstanding Exhibitor awards program is now available on our website. Click here for all of the up-to-date OE information.

A couple of important notes – posters are required for all species except dairy and horses.  Completed livestock record books are also required for all species in the Outstanding Exhibitor Program.  Posters and record books are due August 10th.  Record books being graded for the Outstanding Exhibitor Program will be scored by a group of judges and can be turned in anytime at the Extension Office on or before August 10th or turned in at the August 10th Late Project Judging Event from 6-9 pm in the Event Center at the fairgrounds.

Animal ID for Market Rabbits and Market Poultry

Animal ID for all market rabbits and market poultry is due in 4-H Online by August 1. Don’t forget to enter your Animal ID in 4-HOnline before starting your fair entries.  You must have your animals ID’d in 4-HOnline so they are available for you to select them in the fair entry program.  Also, this year market poultry and market rabbit sale photos should be taken at home and uploaded with your fair entry.  The committee will not be taking the photos during the fair like they did the last few years.

Market Animal Sale Photos

When making fair entries, market livestock exhibitors must submit a photo of themselves with their market animal to be displayed during the auction.  So be sure to take your photo before starting your fair entries.  This is your opportunity to market your fair animal to the buyers so please dress appropriately in show attire or nice jeans and a nice shirt.  Also, make sure your photo is taken in horizontal or landscape orientation and be sure to take your photo in a well lit area – outdoors is preferable.

Fair Entry is Now Open!

Entries for the 2021 Wayne County Junior Fair are currently being accepted! All entries are due by August 1.  Click here to access the FairEntry site and to make your entry for this year’s fair.  Step-by-step instructions for those who need them are available here.

Please remember that market livestock exhibitors must submit a photo of themselves with their market animal to be displayed during the auction.  You must upload the photo when making your fair entries.  So be sure to take your photo before starting your fair entries.  This is your opportunity to market your fair animal to the buyers, so please dress appropriately – show attire or nice jeans and a nice shirt are preferred.  Also, make sure your photo is taken in horizontal or landscape orientation, and make sure you’re in a well lit area, preferably outdoors.

Market Poultry Pickup Dates

If you ordered market poultry through the Extension office this spring, please remember the following pick-up dates:

Market Ducks – July 15 at Centerra Co-Op
Gerber Market Chickens – July 20 at the Jr Fair Office, 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Centerra Market Chickens – July 22 at Centerra Co-Op

If you purchased the Gerber Market Chickens, please remember to bring a thank-you note for Gerber Poultry.

Outstanding Exhibitor Exam

Attention all livestock exhibitors! Are you interested in participating in the Outstanding Exhibitor program? If so, you will need to sign up to take the Outstanding Exhibitor exam on Thursday, July 8. You will need to sign up for one time slot for each species you will be competing in.  Only one exam is required for each species, even if you wish to compete in both the Outstanding Market and Outstanding Breeding categories for that species. Click here to claim your exam time slot!

Skillathon is Now Open!

Attention all Wayne County 4-H members taking livestock projects – The 2021 Virtual Skillathon is now open! This year’s Skillathon will be available until July 23. Be sure to take the Skillathon for each species you plan to take to this year’s fair. Please remember that you must complete either Skillathon or livestock project interview judging in order to complete your project. Go to to access the links to all of this year’s Skillathons!