Junior Fair Baking Contest

Entries are now being accepted for the 2021 Wayne County Junior Fair Baking Contest! The contest is open to all Wayne County youth ages 8 – 18.  Prizes will be awarded!  Click here for  the rules and entry form. All entries are due at 4:30 PM on September 10th. All baked goods will be auctioned and proceeds will be used to help fund various 4-H activities throughout the year.

Goat Milk Butterfat Award

Attention all dairy goat exhibitors – we will now be offering a new award for the highest butterfat content! The testing is free and will be held on August 9th from 6:00pm-7:00pm at the Goat/Sheep Arena. This is the only night for this testing! Please bring the form located here along with 1/4 cup of your goat’s refrigerated milk in a glass container to be tested. The winner will be awarded at the Wayne County Fair during the dairy goat show on Tuesday, September 14th.

Rotating Horse Trophy Return

This is reminder for all horse youth that received a rotating trophy during last year’s fair.  Please make sure your name is engraved and the trophies are returned to the Extension Office by August 1st.  If you’re not able to bring it into the office by August 1st, please bring it to the Horse Super Fun Show on the evening of Tuesday, August 3rd.

Register Now for Project Judging

Reserve your appointment time now for late project judging, FCS project judging, and livestock interview project judging, which will be held on August 10 from 6:00 – 9:00 PM at the Fairgrounds Event Center.

Click the buttons below to reserve a time slot for each project you want to have judged.  Remember Livestock Project Interview Judging is an alternative to virtual Skillathon. If you don’t know your project number, click the link below to help you find the correct number.

August 10 FCS Project Judging

August 10 Still Project Judging

August 10 Livestock Project Interview Judging

2021 Project Names and Numbers


Market Rabbit & Market Poultry Animal ID

Attention all market poultry and market rabbit members: don’t forget to enter your market poultry and market rabbit animal ID in 4-H Online before starting your fair entries.  You must have your animal ID entered in 4-H Online so that you can select those animals in the fair entry program.  Also, this year market poultry and market rabbit sale photos should be taken at home and uploaded with your fair entry.  The committee will not be taking the photos during the fair as in previous years. Click the links below for animal ID help sheets.

Poultry Animal ID Help Sheet

Rabbit Animal ID Help Sheet

Last Chance Quality Assurance

If you have not yet completed your Quality Assurance requirement, a last chance Quality Assurance training will be held on Monday, July 26 at Fisher Auditorium on the OSU Wooster Campus.. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for this QA session. You may also participate in the YQCA online certification program – click here for YQCA details.  Quality Assurance must be completed by July 27 in order to participate in the Wayne County Fair. If you are unsure of your QA completion status, please contact our office.