Market Poultry Orders

Here in Wayne County we are lucky to have two great businesses that support our  4-H program by making poultry ordering easy and smooth!  Centerra of Wooster distributes meat turkeys, meat ducks, and meat chickens out of their retail store.  Centerra duck orders are due on July 1 with pick-up on July 16, and chick orders are due on July 14 with pick-up on July 23. See the links below to access the Centerra order forms.

Gerber Poultry is very generous and supplies our 4-H  program with donated market chickens at a discount rate. Please place your chick order no later than July 1.  See the link below to place your order online!  Gerber Chick pick up will be July 21st at 11:00 am at the Junior Fair Office at the Wayne County Fairgrounds.

As always, poultry exhibitors are welcome to purchase market birds from any NPIP hatchery as long as they follow the hatch dates provided in the 2020 guidelines.

Centerra Market Duck Order Form

Centerra Market Chicken Order Form

Gerber Poultry Market Chicken Online Order

Computer Science SPIN Club

Ohio 4-H will be holding a Computer Science Spin Club for members in the 3rd -6th grade.

Come join us and learn about the basics of coding, computer technology, and software. If you enjoy exploring computers or apps then you’ll love learning in this totally virtual environment with people your own age. Learn about hacking, coding, computational thinking, and more! Every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00 – 3:00 PM from May 19 to June 4. Go to to join!


Ohio 4-H Presents Statewide “Camp…ish” Opportunity

Calling all stay-at-home campers! Ohio 4-H staff miss summer camp as much as you do, and we want to do what we can to bring elements of camp to your home! On June 9-11, you are invited to join us for Ohio 4-H Camp…ish! It is open to any youth ages 8-18 across the state of Ohio. Friends who are not in 4-H are welcome to register, too! There is no cost for attending, although some activities will require the use of basic art supplies, household items, or things found outdoors. Please visit to register by June 7! Activities will be hosted at the following times each day: 9-11 AM, 1-3 PM, 4-5 PM. Campers are not required to attend all sessions, so sign up and come for the times you can enjoy Camp…ish activities brought to you by Ohio 4-H Camp…ish Directors!

Food & Nutrition Camp

Attention all those taking beginning cooking projects! Wayne County 4-H will be hosting a virtual Food & Nutrition Camp from June 16-18. Through this workshop, you will learn about basic nutrition concepts, kitchen safety, ingredient measuring, food preparation and much more.  Click  here  to  join the Food & Nutrition Camp group on Facebook for more information!