Wayne County Junior Fair Livestock Sale: Youth Donations Frequently Asked Questions

Why should Junior Fair Livestock Exhibitors donate a portion of the sale of their market livestock animals?

Donating is each individual exhibitor’s choice.  There is no pressure to donate, but it is something we hope each exhibitor will thoughtfully consider and discuss with their parents.  Donating is an opportunity for youth to show appreciation for the strong 4-H, FFA, and Junior Fair program that we have in Wayne County while also paying it forward for future generations that will benefit from their donations.

What are the donations used for?

4-H and FFA members may choose from the following four funds to designate their donation.  A brief description follows each fund.

  • Wayne County 4-H Youth Development Fund – Established to support current and emerging program needs including camp scholarships, awards and recognition, teen leadership development opportunities, volunteer training and more.
  • Hugh Kline Wayne County 4-H Endowment Fund – Provides support for youth to attend state and national 4-H camps and conferences, funding for Skillathon materials, support for livestock judging and education teams, grants to 4-H clubs for new and innovative programs or activities and more.
  • Doyle Findley Scholarship – Established in memory of former Wayne County 4-H and Agriculture Extension Agent Doyle Findley.  Recipients must be current or former 4-H or FFA members who have completed a livestock project.  Scholarship may be used at any post high school institution, except graduate school.  Amount of scholarship(s) varies annually.
  • Wayne County 4-H Scholarship Fund – Recipients must be present or former 4-H members planning to further their education.  Scholarship may be used at any post high school institution, except graduate school.  Dollar amount of scholarship(s) varies annually.

How do youth make a donation from the sale of their market livestock animal(s)?

There is a green donation card that youth and/or parents of livestock exhibitors can fill out.  The cards are available at the buyer registration table, Jr. Fair Office, and Extension Office.  Cards are also available to youth to fill out while waiting in line for the auction.  The donation card simply asks for the youth exhibitors name, what percentage or dollar amount they wish to donate, and to which of the four funds they want their donation designated to.  The youth exhibitor should then hand the card to the auctioneer when they enter the sale ring.  The auctioneer will announce the youth’s name, donation amount, and which fund they have selected to donate to.  The donation is then deducted from the youth’s livestock sale check and transferred to the fund that he/she selected.

Can youth donate to other funds or groups not listed on the donation card?

Yes!  However, those donations will not be automatically deducted from the youth’s livestock sale check.  It will be the responsibility of the youth and his/her parents to send the donation to the group or individual they would like to support.  If an exhibitor wants to support a fund other than the four listed above – he/she can write a short note explaining who they will be donating to and what amount or percentage.  They can give that note to the auctioneer to announce to buyers when they enter the sale ring.

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