Instructional Aides needed for Spring semester

The Department of Astronomy has several openings for Instructional Aides (IAs) for Spring Semester 2016.  IAs assist professors with copying and distributing class materials, setting up computers and A/V equipment, and in some cases grading or assisting in answering student questions in the lab sections.  The pay is $9.00 per hour, and this is a great opportunity to learn more astronomy and to contribute to the teaching mission of the department.

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Kip Thorne to give Smith Lecture

Dr. Kip Thorne

For decades, the physicist behind the movie Interstellar and “The man who imagined wormholes,” has imagined, reinvented and changed the ways prominent physicists and just plain folks think about the workings of the universe. Hear him speak about the stranger-than-fiction science of general relativity that is the underpinning of one of the century’s must-see movies, on the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s incredible discovery.

The 53rd annual Alpheus Smith Lecture will take place on Wednesday, November 18, at 8:00 p.m. in 131 Hitchcock (2070 Neil Avenue).

Public talk: “Let Physics Be the Dream It Used to Be”

Dr. Prescod-Weinstein

At 4:00pm on Monday 9 November, Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein will give an public lecture in room 1080 of the Physics Research Building.
Let Physics Be the Dream It Used To Be
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Her current research focuses on early universe cosmology and technical questions relating to how to do quantum field theory calculations in curved spacetimes. She was listed by the L’Oreal-UNESCO Foundation as one of “5 Amazing Woman Astronomers You Should Know.”  Prescod-Weinstein is a passionate advocate for racial and gender diversity in STEM and will be sharing her stories about her efforts in this area.
I urge you to attend.