Public Talk: “Chasing Oxygen”, by Dr. Richard Pogge

Not a bad way to spend part of your Thursday evening…..
Ohio State Astronomy & Astrophysics (OSAA) Public Lecture
Chasing Oxygen

Richard W. Pogge

Professor of Astronomy and Vice Chair for Instrumentation

September 14, 2017, OSAA Public Lecture
8-9pm in 1153 Smith Laboratory
174 West 18th Avenue

Information can be found here:


The event is free but registration is requested.

Seven Suggestions for Succeeding in Science in College

Here’s an interesting article published last summer in Forbes magazine on success as a science student.  The first suggestion is ‘go to class’.  Sounds obvious, right, but in my courses I am already seeing a few students who are skipping out some or all of the time.  Though they may surprise me in the end, such students are typically the ones that get grades of C or C- at the end of the semester.  What do you think of these suggestions?

Campus-wide research opportunities

The Ohio State Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry maintains a website listing research opportunities for students.  A good research experience teaches you many skills, and will help you with future opportunities as a graduate student or in the scientific working world.  Many potential research supervisors might be interested in Astronomy or Physics students, even if the subject of the research project is in a different area.  Several of our majors over recent years have undertaken fun and interesting projects in biophysics, medical research, anthropology, or other subjects.  There are other great resources that this office provides – check it out!

Skills for careers

One of the nice things about studying Astrophysics is that, along the way, you have the chance to learn a lot of widely applicable skills:  advanced mathematics, statistics, computer programming, research protocols, and many others.

Here’s an article summarizing a survey of the skills industry hires need. Top on the list were working on a teams and delivering on schedule and on budget. Other commonly indicated skills included networking, leadership, and understanding the business of research.

Do any of your classes emphasize these skills?  For those senior students doing research, are you learning these skills along the way?  What additions to the undergraduate program would help you in this way?