The ASAS-SN project is looking for a Research Assistant.
The Research Assistant will work with Professors K. Stanek and C. Kochanek on the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). Duties include: daily quality control of data obtained by 20 ASAS-SN telescopes; verification of supernova and other transient candidates; release of confirmed ASAS-SN discoveries to the public; response to public queries concerning ASAS-SN Sky Patrol data; coordination of queue observing schedule on the MDM 2.4-m telescope. The selected person will also participate in follow-up observations and data reduction of ASAS-SN targets.
Apply at
Requirements: Bachelor’s degree required by time of hire; 1-3 years of research experience in astrophysics; minimum of one year of programming experience by start of employment.
If there are any question, please contact Kris Stanek at