Meeting Minutes 11/09/2021

Location: 33 Fry Hall

Meeting Called by: Pre-Optometry Club

Duration: 30 minutes

Guest Speaker: Dean Zadnik, Dr. Fries and Jen Bennett


Jen Bennett:

  • Director of student services at OSU optometry
  • Works in professional and developmental programing 
  • New advisor!

Dr Fries:

  • Teaches business and practice management curriculum 
  • Owner of private practice, CEO of 9 locations 
  • Graduate of OSU optometry school
  • New advisor!

Dean Zadnik:

  • Has performed research on children’s sightedness; principal investigator on a drug study for an eyedrop of atropine administered at night to slow down the growth of the eye (ie myopia treatment). 
  • Dean Zadnick opened with a theory of “myopia control”. Mypoic eyes have grown too long, resulting in focal point for incoming light as being in the middle of the vitreous, resulting in blurry images. She continues to elaborate on long term problems that can happen due to myopia (retinal detachment, deterioration, etc). Because myopia happens in childhood, myopia treatment and control studies aim to slow abnormal eye growth early in life. 
  • The numbers for myopia treatment have grown exponentially in recent years. This is an area of clinical growth for optometrists because they are exposed to the most patients with myopia.
  • Answers Questions:
    • SocialEYES: 8-9 OSU optometry students are assigned to a faculty member that receives funds to take students on activities and social events. This program allows for all students to spend time with other peers, faculty they may have not met, etc. 
    • Licensure in Optometry: Students take 3 national board examinations in order to receive licensure in optometry. Average passage was 74% in the country in march 2021, OSU optometry passage of that same exam was 94%.