Today Pre-Optometry Club, along with Eyes on Health, participated in a training program with the Ohio Optometric Association! This program is called “Realeyes” and it involves being trained how to teach children in local schools about vision and eye care. Our members are now certified to give presentations to students in preschool through eighth grade alongside their peers, and/or optometrists! Thank you to Matt Fink, the Realeyes Program Manager, for an informative and fun training session!
Month: April 2017
Meeting Minutes: 4/11
Today we had our last meeting of the year. A representative from Prevent Blindness Ohio came and trained us to be certified vision screeners. We learned about criteria that would require a referral to an optometrist for an exam. Additionally, we were taught how to use machines that measured visual acuities as an alternative to physical eye charts. Tomorrow, we will be volunteering to give free vision checks in the Ohio Union from 3-5pm!