The Ohio State University: College of Engineering


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PCVLab Recommended Courses

Enrollment to the following courses are expected from the lab members:

CIVILEN 5441 Introduction to GPS: theory and applications
CIVILEN 5461 Geospatial Numerical Analysis
CIVILEN 6451 - Introduction to Photogrammetry
CIVILEN 7453 - Photogrammetric Computer Vision
CIVILEN 8454 - Videogrammetry
CIVILEN 7421 - Advanced Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
ECE 7866 - Computer Vision and Multisensor Integration
ECE 7868 - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
CSE 5523 - Machine Learning and Statistical Pattern Recognition
CSE 5524 - Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction
CSE 5526 - Introduction to Neural Networks
BMI 5552 - Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging

Optional Courses

GEODSCI 5652 - Adjustment Computations
GEODSCI 7745 - Inertial Navigation/Positioning Analysis
ECE 5759 - Optimization for Static and Dynamic Systems
ECE 5463 - Introduction to Real Time Robotics Systems
CSE 4521 - Survey of Artificial Intelligence for Non- Majors
CSE 5522 - Survey of Artificial Intelligence II: Adv Techniques
STAT 6450 - Applied Regression Analysis
STAT 6540 - Applied Stochastic Processes
STAT 6570 - Applied Bayesian Analysis
STAT 6210 - Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics
STAT 6410 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
AAE 8194 - Random Dynamical Systems
CSE 5469 - Intermediate Computer Networking (reinforcement learning)
ECE 7202 - Reinforcement Learning

Information on Graduate Minor Program

Information on Qualifying Exam

General Procedure Overview:

  1. After the Graduate studies committee has approved the candidacy committee, students submit the Graduate School Application for Candidacy online at The online application must be submitted and approved online by the faculty advisor and the graduate studies office at least two weeks before the oral examination is scheduled. This deadline is strict.
  2. If students are on a GRA, GTA or fellowship appointment, fulltime enrollment is required each semester or term in which any part of the candidacy examination is taken. (Section 7.3.4 in the Graduate School Handbook).
  3. The oral portion of the candidacy examination is held after completion of the written portion and must be completed within one month of the written portion. Graduate School Handbook Section 7.5
  4. Schedule at least one week between the written and the oral examinations.
  5. Results of the candidacy examination will be submitted online by the candidacy committee. Students may check the results on the History tab after the examination is complete.
  6. Students are eligible to submit the Application to Graduate – Master’s – as a result of passing candidacy if the student has not earned an Ohio State master’s degree. Applications to Graduate are submitted
  7. Continuous Enrollment policy: All post candidacy students are required to be enrolled for a minimum of 3 credit hours every term of enrollment except summer until graduation. If students are on a GRA, GTA or fellowship appointment, post candidacy enrollment requires at least 3 credits every term they are appointed as a GA or fellow. 3 credits enrollment for post candidacy students is considered fulltime.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Follow this link for additional information for ECE.

Civil Engineering

The candidacy examination can be taken as you near the completion of your coursework and at any point determined appropriate between you and your advisor and committee members.  Once you determine you are ready to take your candidacy examination, you will complete the Application for Candidacy form on GradForms.  This form will need to be approved by your advisor and myself at least two weeks before the scheduled oral portion of your candidacy exam.

Candidacy examination information can be also found in the CEGE graduate program handbook(section IV, e) and also in the Graduate School Handbook (section 7.3-7.7).

Information on Candidacy Exam

Electrical and Computer Engineering Procedure Overview

  1. After the ECE Graduate studies committee has approved the candidacy committee on the ECE Request for Approval of Candidacy Examination Committee form, students submit the Graduate School Application for Candidacyonline @
  • The online application must be submitted and approved online by the faculty advisor and the ECE graduate studies office at least two weeks before the oral examination is scheduled.
  • This deadline is strict.
  1. Submit the 15-page research proposal to your candidacy committee.
  • The research proposal and the written examination must be submitted to the members of the candidacy committee at least one week before the oral examination is scheduled.
  • This deadline is strict.
  1. If students are on a GRA, GTA or fellowship appointment, fulltime enrollment is required each semester or term in which any part of the candidacy examination is taken. (Section 7.3.4 in the Graduate School Handbook).
  2. The oral portion of the candidacy examination is held after completion of the written portion and must be completed within one month of the written portion. Graduate School Handbook Section 7.5
  3. Schedule at least one week between the written and the oral examinations.
  4. Results of the candidacy examination will be submitted online by the candidacy committee. Students may check the results on the History tab after the examination is complete.
  5. Students are eligible to submit the Application to Graduate – Master’s – as a result of passing candidacy if the student has not earned an Ohio State ECE master’s degree. Applications to Graduate are submitted
  6. Continuous Enrollment policy: All post candidacy students are required to be enrolled for a minimum of 3 credit hours every term of enrollment except summer until graduation. If students are on a GRA, GTA or fellowship appointment, post candidacy enrollment requires at least 3 credits every term they are appointed as a GA or fellow. 3 credits enrollment for post candidacy students is considered fulltime.

Grad School Information on Graduation

  • Link to the final semester procedures and timelines for graduation