Evaluate herbicide performance in your operation

By Tony Nye

Agricultural and Natural Resources Extension Educator

Ohio State University Extension, Clinton County

Originally published in the Wilmington News Journal


The dog days of summer seem to be hanging on with some of our hottest days recently.

I am not ready to let go. Fall, however, is my favorite time of year, with enjoyable temperatures, great fall colors — and let us not forget the fact that Buckeye football begins this weekend.

My only problem with fall is the fact that winter follows it.

In the meantime, I was reminded this week that we want to be diligent in our evaluation of weed control on our farms and in our fields.

Just this week I assisted the new educator in Highland County on a possible Palmer amaranth weed situation in CRP acreage.

As it turned out, there was Palmer amaranth, as well as water hemp, evidence of spiny amaranth and maybe other pigweed species (I did not walk entire acreage). This was a new seeding (spring 2018) and more than likely the problem weeds came with the seed.

Most of our seed for these types of situations can come from states that have a history of having Palmer amaranth and water hemp.

Reminder — ODA will test any seed used for these purposes for the presence of Palmer amaranth. There were not lots of plants so individual plant removal would be achievable without too much effort. If left to go to full seed production this year, next year could be a whole different story for the producer.

The concern as many of you are aware is Palmer amaranth is a noxious weed and can spread very quickly over crop acreage in just a matter of a couple years if neglected.

According to Mark Loux, Ohio State University weed specialist, as well as other weed specialists across the country, note that Palmer amaranth is an Amaranthus (pigweed) species that has become a devastating glyphosate-resistant weed problem in the South and parts of the Midwest over the past decade.

It has caused substantial losses in crop yield and farm income, and a permanent increase in the cost of herbicide programs.

If you don’t already have to deal with water hemp or Palmer amaranth, you don’t want it, warns Loux. Ask anyone who does.

Loux notes that neither one of these weeds is easy to manage, and both can cause substantial increases in the cost of herbicide programs, which have to be constantly changed to account for the multiple resistance that will develop over time (not “can”, “will”).

The trend across the country is for them to develop resistance to any new herbicide sites of action that are used in POST treatments. Preventing new infestations of these weeds should be of high priority for Ohio growers.

Preventing additional Palmer infestations in Ohio is a primary goal of the OSU weed science program, and will require efforts from the entire Ohio agricultural community. There are several mechanisms for the movement of Palmer amaranth into Ohio:

• Movement of equipment from Palmer-infested areas into Ohio.

• The presence of Palmer seed in cotton-derived feed products that are transported from the south into Ohio, or in hay from Kansas.

• The presence of Palmer seed in cover crop and wildlife seed that originates in areas infested with palmer amaranth, such as Texas and Kansas.

Below is a map of where Palmer Amaranth was identified as of 2017 and a few more locations have been found in 2018. If you notice, Clinton County is included in this map. This map is a moving target and can change at any given time as more populations are found in Ohio.

What makes Palmer amaranth such a problem:

• A single female Palmer plant produce 100,000 to upwards of 500,000 seed.

• Broad period of emergence — April to August.

• Small seed that is well-adapted to minimum and no-tillage.

• Rapid growth – up to 3 inches a day. Postemergence herbicides must be applied when Palmer plants are less than 3 inches tall.

• Readily develops herbicide resistance.

• Dioecious reproductive system (male and female plants). Obligate outcrossing results in rapid spread of herbicide resistance.

In a few words from Loux: When not controlled, Palmer amaranth in Ohio can take over a field faster than any other annual weed we deal with. Taking time to remove Palmer amaranth and waterhemp plants from fields now will go a long way toward maintaining the profitability of farm operation.

Certainly we have other problem weeds we should also be scouting for to evaluate the effectiveness of our herbicide program this time of year. Those would include giant ragweed, common ragweed, marestail, and don’t forget the likes of foxtail, lambsquarter and other weeds that are problems in your own situations.

With the cooler weather this weekend, take some time to note effectiveness and problems with herbicide performance in your cropping operation.

Tony Nye is the state coordinator for the Ohio State University Extension Small Farm Program and has been an OSU Extension Educator for agriculture and natural resources for 30 years, currently serving Clinton County and the Miami Valley EERA.

Retrieved from https://www.wnewsj.com/opinion/columns/81939/evaluate-herbicide-performance-in-your-operation

Fayette County Master Gardener Volunteers Training Class for 2019

Fayette County Extension will be holding a training class for the Master Gardener Volunteers beginning January 29, 2019. Potential Master Gardeners from other counties are welcome to attend this class and are able to complete their 50 hours of volunteer service in their home county. If you certify in Fayette County, there is a $50.00 rebate.  
Certified Master Gardeners are also welcome to attend the classes for CEUs. There will be no charge for Certified Master Gardeners.
For more information contact Sara Creamer at creamer.70@osu.edu or 740-335-1150. 

Leadership Highland History Day

From left to right: Destiny Bryson, Mike Hart, Rob Holt, May Greene, Liz Brennfleck, Michelle Unsworth, Diana Grooms, and Harold Schmidt of the Greenfield Historical Society in front of the Konneker Education Museum in Greenfield, Ohio.

Brooke Beam, PhD

Ohio State University Extension, Highland County

Agriculture and Natural Resources/Community Development Extension Educator

September 19, 2018


The Leadership Highland class met on September 19, 2018, for Highland County history day. The participants began the day at the Greenfield Historical Society where Harold Schmidt and Tom Adams shared Greenfield’s history, model train display, and the Konneker Education Museum.

Tom Adams showing the model of Greenfield he constructed to the participants of Leadership Highland.

The second stop was the Parker House Hotel where participants met with Jack Hope. Mr. Hope shared a brief history of his background and many Highland County projects. A tour of the Parker House Hotel followed Mr. Hope’s presentation. Mayor Drew Hastings provided a tour of Bell’s Opera House and the history of the building. The final stop in Hillsboro was the Highland House. Carolyn Hastings, of the Highland County Historical Society, provided a tour of the building and a private viewing of The Lincoln School Story: A Battle for School Integration in Ohio documentary.

The ballroom on the third floor of the Parker House Hotel.


A view of Bell’s Opera House from the stage.


A portion of the Milton Caniff exhibit at the Highland House.

The Leadership Highland history day tour concluded in Lynchburg where Virginia Rhonemus and Elaine Williams provided a walking and driving tour of Lynchburg. A few of the historical sites visited included the covered bridge, the oldest home in Lynchburg, and the Lynchburg distillery site.

Lynchburg Covered Bridge

Connecting Highland and Clinton Counties, the covered bridge in Lynchburg is the only existing bridge in Ohio that connects two counties.

The next meeting of Leadership Highland will be agriculture day in October. For more information about Leadership Highland, contact Brooke Beam at the Highland County Extension Office at 937-393-1918.



Upcoming Events:


Beef Quality Assurance Training:

  • Thursday, October 25, 2018, 6:30 P.M., Producer Stockyards, Hillsboro, Ohio

Call your local Ohio State University Extension Office to register for the BQA training. The Highland County Extension Office can be reached at 937-393-1918.