- A Comparison of Sijo and Haiku, Tracy Imamura, Columbus 04
- A Little Chinese Seamstress, KaSandra Emler, Columbus 11
- A Single Shard, Edith Swank, Wooster 07
- Animal Farm and No One to Envy, Carolyn Willis, Columbus 16
- Asian Cinderella Tales, Nancy Clendenen, Columbus 04
- Asian Literature #1, Ellen Miller and Natalie Mroz, Columbus 04
- Asian Literature #2, Ellen Miller and Natalie Mroz, Columbus 04
- Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, Deborah Robinson, Columbus 06
- Barefoot Gen: A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima, Jeanne Bolton, Columbus 16
- Basho’s Poetic Journey, Cynthia Richards, Akron 08
- Chinese Cinderella, Shanaka Horner, Marietta 08
- Chinese Literature, Mary Wryst, Athens 10
- Comparing Epic Literature of the East and West, Corinne Full, Marietta 08
- Conversational Ballgames, Debb Draudt, Oberlin 10
- Cultural Revolution, Amanda Lucero, Delaware 13
- Culture & Young Adult Literature, Barbara McBrady, Cincinnati 06
- Day of the Dragon King, Susan Mendenhall, Wooster 07
- Discovering Culture Through Literature, Laura Soltis, Columbus 04
- Dragonwings by Laurence Yep, Lydia Cardona, Oberlin 10
- Elements of Narration, Jetta Ries Fete, Oberlin 10
- Exploring Kamishibai & Teaching Resource, Pamela Fleming, Columbus 21
- Folktales (African American, Chinese, Japanese, & Korean), Leslie Gilchrist Walker, Cleveland 05
- Haiku Deathmatch, Cassandra McGuyrt, Akron 08
- Haiku of Basho, Edith Swank, Wooster 07
- Haiku Poetry of Japan, Alaric Harris, Cincinnati 06
- Haiku Poetry, Jennifer Hendricks, Marietta 08
- Haiku Poetry, Shanaka Horner, Marietta 08
- Haiku, Laina Kominos, Columbus 06
- Historical Truth and Identity, Gregory Booth, Granville 09
- In the Moonlight Mist: A Korean Tale, by Daniel Souci, Lydia Cardona, Oberlin 10
- Introduction to Literature of Japan, Connie Massaro, Wooster 07
- Introduction to Manga/Graphic Novels, Hannah Green, Columbus 20
- Japanese Folk Tales and Kamishibai, Bernadette Sedor, Oberlin 10
- Japanese Kamishibai Propaganda in Historical Context & Teaching Tool, Robin Krause, Columbus 21
- Japanese Kamishibai Stories, Jona Hall, Marietta 08
- Japanese Literature, Mary Wryst, Athens 10
- Japanese Short Stories, Telisha LeFloria, Akron 08
- Japanese Tall Tales, Carol Roger, Wooster 07
- Japanese Tanka & PPT, Cathy Hart, Columbus 06
- Japanese Travel Poetry: An Introducation, Ed Rebmann, Columbus 11
- Judge Dee at Work by Robert van Gulik, Bernadette Sedor, Oberlin 10
- Kamishibai & Teaching Resource, Margaurita Cueva, Columbus 21
- Kamishibai- Historical Roots and Contemporary Children’s Literature, Jennifer Evans Kinsley, Delaware 13
- Kamishibai in 6th Grade, Kathy Ward, Columbus 19
- Kamishibai & Attachment, Lynn Swaney, Columbus 17
- Karuta History & Teaching Resource, Kayla Kolean, Columbus 21
- Korea Through a Short Story, Dan Vallette, Columbus 04
- Korean Fables and Folktales, Jennifer Hendricks, Marietta 08
- Korean Fiction, Casey Matthews, Cleveland 12
- Korean Literature, Mary Wryst, Athens 10
- Korean Literature’s Revelation on War and Invasion, Tom Molnar, Columbus 04
- Korean Persuasive Essay, Mary Kay Ryan, Oberlin 10
- Korean Pursuasive Argumentative Essay, Joseph Schmall, Columbus 17
- Korean Sijo, Cathy Hart, Columbus 06
- Korean Tales for Children, April Thompson, Columbus 17
- Korean War Short Story, Misty Swanger, Columbus 04
- Korean War Stories, David Fawcett, Columbus 06
- Korean-American Literature, Connie Massaro, Wooster 07
- Literature and Liberation–The Power of Literature, Emily Shrestha, Cleveland 12
- Lon Po Po, a Chinese Little Red Riding Hood, Edith Swank, Wooster 07
- Lu Xun’s Preface and “Diary of a Madman“, Susan Coffman, Columbus 04
- Mulan and The Female Hero, Tara Fox, Columbus 16
- My Name is Yoon and The Name Jar, Amanda Lucero, Delaware 13
- Nothing to Envy: Modern Day Dystopia, Tara Fox, Columbus 16
- Our Twisted Hero by Yi Munyol, Bernadette Sedor, Oberlin 10
- P’ansori, Susan Coffman, Columbus 04
- Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story, Rebecca Volkmann, Columbus 04
- Reading “Lost Names”, Barbara McBrady, Cincinnati 06
- Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, Susan Mendenhall, Wooster 07
- Seedfolks, Debb Draudt, Oberlin 10
- Shadow Puppets: A Chinese Tradition, Jennifer Hendricks, Marietta 08
- So Far From the Bamboo Grave, Joseph Schmall, Columbus 17
- Studying the Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon, Jamie Foley, Columbus 06
- Tale of Hungbu and Nolbu, Laina Kominos, Columbus 06
- Tanka Poetry: Japanese Poetry is not just Haiku, Diana Carr, Delaware 13
- Tao Te Ching, Diana Carr, Delaware 13
- Teaching about Peace through the Cranes of Hiroshima, Una King, Wooster 07
- Teaching and Writing Korean Sijo Poetry, Thomas Trang, Columbus 17
- Telling Stories with Tangrams & Teaching Resource, Joyce Suter, Columbus 21
- The Guest, by Hwang Sok-Yong, Cynthia Richards, Akron 08
- The Importance of Setting in Historical Fiction, Mary Anne Kinzly, Oberlin 10
- The Korean Cinderella, Dottie Worley, Toledo 05
- The Korean Cinderella, Shanaka Horner, Marietta 08
- The Name Jar, Harry Gao, Columbus 06
- The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota’s Garden & Teaching Tool, Ellen Broyles, Columbus 21
- The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon, Susan Coffman, Columbus 04
- The Power of Myth and Legend, Matthew Yingling, Columbus 11
- The Recent Japanese Disaster and the Connection to Matsuo Basho, Jeff Gottke, Columbus 11
- The Seaman’s Chant by Kim Dong-in, Jill Davis, Oxford 09
- The Single Shard, Lauren Glaros, Columbus 04
- The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, Beth MacLehose, Columbus 06
- The Teaching of Mulan, Kathy Ward, Columbus 16
- The Waiting Years, by Fumiko Enchi, Sara Beardsley, Marietta 08
- Trickster Tales: African American and Japanese, Ann Matney, Toledo 07
- Two Kinds Draudt-China Debb Draudt, Oberlin 10
- Under the Blood Red Sun by Graham Salisbury, Lydia Cardona, Oberlin 10
- Urban Myths and Legends of Korea and the United States, Ann Matney, Toledo 07
- Using T’ang Poetry to Capture a Moment, Sara Beardsley, Marietta 08
- Wabi Sabi, Amanda Lucero, Delaware 13
- What Will I Do?“, Casey Matthews, Cleveland 12