- One Korea?”, Steve Murray, Columbus 06
- 1919 and the East Asian Disappointment, Greg Milo, Akron 08
- A Unique Political History, Thomas Ulrich, Toledo 05
- American Imperialism and Its Japanese Encounter, Gretchen Williams, Columbus 19
- An American Perspective on Japan: Oral History Memoirs of American Experiences in Japan, Nancy Clendenen
- Analyzing Japanese Imperialism, Kathy Swanger, Columbus 04
- Ancient China, Mitchell Clark, Toledo 05
- Ancient Chinese Inventions and the Modern World, Heidi Blue, Akron 08
- Ancient Civilizations, Leslie Burnham, Toledo 07
- Ancient Man in Asia, Nancy Clendenen, Columbus 04
- Arrival of Commodore Perry: Differing Perspective, Amanda Ahrens, Cleveland 12
- Atomic Bombs in WWII, Andrew Salzer, Columbus 04
- Atrocities during World War II, Paul Chidester, Columbus 06
- Bombing of Hiroshima: A Japanese Perspective, Joan Perry-Szafarowicz, Toledo 07
- Character Education and Confucius, Laurie Marks, Oxford 09
- China and the Modern World, Bryan Evans, Oberlin 10
- China and the Silk Road, Mary L. Kelley , Cincinnati 06
- China Before and After Mao, Misty Swanger, Columbus 04
- China, the Gold Rush, and Life Afterward, Lori Dhiraprasiddhi, Granville 09
- China’s Long March, Linnet Knight, Columbus 04
- Chinese and Korean Rebellions against Imperial Japan, Karissa Piper, Akron 08
- Chinese Communist Revolution, Marc Montella, Granville 09
- Chinese Dynasties & Mongol Invasions, Amy Netter, Toledo 05
- Chinese Industrialization and Environmental Restrictions, Rachel Marten, Athens 10
- Chinese Inventions & Their Impact on Today’s Technology, Kymn Bennett, Oxford 09
- Chinese Inventions/ Achievements, Jessica Burchett, Oberlin 10
- Chinese Modernization, Charles Martindell, Delaware 13
- Chinese Propaganda During the Cultural Revolution, Russell Lammermeier, Cleveland 12
- Chinese State Formation: From the Qin to the Song & Teaching Resource, Lisa Baughman
- Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Immigration to the U.S., Judy Szewczak, Toledo 05
- Collapse of Chinese Imperial Rule, Anne O’Leary, Toledo 05
- Comfort Women, Joy Vargas Painter, Wooster 07
- Commissioner Lin’s Letter to Queen Victoria, Lindsey Ritscher, Marietta 08
- Commodore Perry and Japan, Jeff Kho, Cleveland 12
- Comparison of Feudalism in Japan and Europe, Lori Dhiraprasiddhi, Granville 09
- Comparison of Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Trials, Jolene Dyer, Wooster 07
- Contributions of Chinese Dynasties, Michelle Miller, Toledo 05
- Cultural Revolution: “Reality vs. Government Claims“, Amanda Ahrens, Cleveland 12
- Declarations of Independence, Kevin Barnhard, Columbus 17
- Do You Have a Job, Most Honorable Daimyo?, Molly Krist, Akron 08
- Dropping the Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Lynn Pangrace, Cleveland 12
- Dynasties of Feudal China, Matt Daugherty, Columbus 16
- Early Development of Korea, Anne O’Leary, Toledo 05
- East Asia Medieval Trade by Linda Swarlis, Columbus 19
- Effects of the Korean War, Tamar Warkentien, Oberlin 10
- End of Qing Dynasty – focusing on Empress Dowager Cixi, Jessica Parker, Columbus 11
- End of WWII – focusing on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Jessica Parker, Columbus 11
- Evaluating the Open Door Policy in China, Kathy Swanger, Columbus 04
- Events Leading to WWII, Tamar Warkentien, Oberlin 10
- Experiencing Japanese Feudalism, Amy Netter, Toledo 05
- Feudal Japan, Mary Kay Ryan, Oberlin 10
- Feudalism and Transitions, Betsy Beaver, Delaware 13
- Feudalism Comparison, Jenny Sage, Granville 09
- Feudalism in Japan and Europe, Mary Anne Kinzly, Oberlin 10
- Feudalism in Japan and Europe, Virginia Ressa, Columbus 06
- Feudalism in Japan, Marie Ternes, Oberlin 10
- Friends First Matsuri: Festival Based on Japanese Matsuri, Kathleen Allan, Oxford 09
- Genocide and Propoganda, Jetta Ries Fete, Oberlin 10
- Global Impact of World War I: China, Charles Bell, Wooster 07
- Global Impact of World War I: Japan, Charles Bell, Wooster 07
- Global Impact of World War I: Korea, Charles Bell, Wooster 07
- Google Earth & “The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War”, Marc Montella, Granville 09
- Grave of the Fireflies, Scott Nickel, Columbus 04
- Hiroshima as Seen Through the Prism of Japanese Pop Culture (Anime and Manga), Bob Wilson, Columbus 19
- Hiroshima, Carolyn Willis, Columbus 16
- Hiroshima, Japan, Rob Fetters, Columbus 04
- History of Korea, Jennifer McClure, Toledo 05
- How China Rebuilds After World War II , Tammie Ray, Akron 08
- How did the Meiji Constitution and Constitution of 1947 Frame Social and Political Order in Japan?, Regina Feldman, Cleveland 12
- How Japan Rebuilds Following World War II, Tammie Ray, Akron 08
- How Koreans Rebuild following World War II, Tammie Ray, Akron 08
- Impact of the Atomic Bomb, Sean Brennan, Cleveland 12
- Imperial Impact: Reinventing Identity, Rose Remmel, Akron 08
- Imperialism in the Far East, Sean Brennan, Cleveland 12
- Imperialism/Sino Evil Enter the Door, Kyle McDowell, Delaware 13
- Imperialism: Commodore Perry’s Visit, Don Haven, Granville 09
- Imperialism: General Sherman Incident, Don Haven, Granville 09
- Imperialism: the Boxer Rebellion, Don Haven, Granville 09
- Influence of Confucius on Chinese Society, Mary Kay Ryan, Oberlin 10
- Internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, Dorene Miller, Wooster 07
- Intro to Modern Chinese History & Teaching Resource, Sammi Zhao, Columbus 21
- Invention Timeline, Beth MacLehose, Columbus 06
- Japan Before and After WWII, Bryan Evans, Oberlin 10
- Japan Colonizes Korea, Melissa Ryan, Wooster 07
- Japan’s Cult of the Emporer, Joe Serio, Akron 08
- Japan’s Feudal System, Linnet Knight, Columbus 04
- Japan’s History, Culture and Religions, Rita Limbert, Columbus 16
- Japan’s View of Itself in China and Korea, Karissa Piper, Akron 08
- Japanese Abuse of Chinese Civilians and POWs during World War II , Karissa Piper, Akron 08
- Japanese Colonization of Korea, Jeff Kho, Cleveland 12
- Japanese Feudal Class System, Elizabeth Bank, Columbus 16
- Japanese Firestorms, Brent Martin, Granville 09
- Japanese History, Steve Murray, Columbus 06
- Japanese in America: Citizens without Rights, Kerry Dugan, Oxford 09
- Japanese Internment Camps, Carrie Bray & Penelope Harris, Oxford 09
- Japanese Internment in the US, Jan Wagoner, Oxford 09
- Japanese Invasion of Korea, 1592, Brendan Malone, Toledo 07
- Japanese Kite Project, Gary Fitchpatrick, Cleveland 12
- Japanese Modernization & Imperialism 1850-1907, Anne O’Leary, Toledo 05
- Japanese War Crimes of the Sino-Japanese War and World War I, Melissa Ryan, Wooster 07
- Kami/Kamuy: Oppression, ideology, and representation of the Ainu in Japan, Sisi Funk, Columbus 20
- Korea Post-WWII and the Cold War,, Bryan Evans, Oberlin 10
- Korea: An Example of History Repeating Itself, Lori Dhiraprasiddhi, Granville 09
- Korea: United/Divided/United, Nick Geruntino, Columbus 11
- Korean Comfort Women, Jennifer Swinehart, Columbus 04
- Korean Conflict: What if it had been us?, Erin Brickwood, Akron 08
- Legacies of China, Mary Anne Kinzly, Oberlin 10
- Life during the Great Leap Forward & Teaching Resource, Molly Long, Columbus 21
- Life in Korea during the Korean War, Michelle Miller, Toledo 05
- Life in Korea During World War II: When My Name Was Keoko, Virginia Ressa, Columbus 06
- Lost Names and Identity, Cassandra McGuyrt, Akron 08
- Lost Names of Korea, Mary L. Kelley, Cincinnati 06
- Mao and the Great Leap Forward, Brent Martin, Granville 09
- Meiji Mondernization, Andrea Dumolt, Columbus 04
- Ming Dynasty, Jennifer McClure, Toledo 05
- Mongols Invade Japan & Teaching Resource, Amy McKibben, Columbus 21
- Mongul Empire and Japan, Suzanne Ford, Columbus 17
- Mongul Empire and Korea, Suzanne Ford, Columbus 17
- Mongul Invasion and Ming Dynasty, Suzanne Ford, Columbus 17
- Nakahama Manjiro, Bonnie Shiplet, Columbus 04
- No Gun Ri, Korea, Rob Fetters, Columbus 04
- North and South Korea – Conflicted Relationship, Dale Foster, Columbus 17
- North Korea: The Dynasty of Communism, Kathryn Benken, Oxford 09
- Pak Wansŏ’s (1921-2011) Mother’s Hitching Post and the Korean War, Whitney Burris, Columbus 11
- Personal Accounts of the Korean Civil War, 1950-1953, Mary Hetrick, Wooster 07
- Photographic Evidence of the Nanking Massacre and Deniers , Karissa Piper, Akron 08
- Post War Japan, Mitchell Clark, Toledo 05
- Post-WWII Division of Korea Compared to Germany, Jenny Sage, Granville 09
- Pressure to Modernize: Japan’s Response to Western Influence, Elizabeth Newcomb, Columbus 19
- Promises and Propaganda–the Power of Persuasion, Emily Shrestha, Cleveland 12
- Red Scarf Girl: The Cultural Revolution, Dottie Worley, Toledo 05
- Resistance to Western Ideas, Thomas Ulrich, Toledo 05
- Revolution in China and the Fall of Imperialism, Jennifer Preslan, Toledo 07
- Scientific and Cultural Advancements of Early China, Virginia Ressa , Columbus 06
- Shang Dynasty and the Invention of Writing, Kathleen Allan, Oxford 09
- Shin’s Tricycle and Truman’s Statement, Marc Montella, Granville 09
- Silk Road Simulation – How was Asia impacted by Europe and vice versa? and Attachments, Andy Lyon, Columbus 20
- Silkworms Spinning Their Way into History, Beth MacLehose , Columbus 06
- State Dominance: Reinventing Identity, Rose Remmel, Akron 08
- State Turmoil: Reinventing Identity, Rose Remmel, Akron 08
- Student Protest in Korea and the United States, Frank Casey, Oberlin 10
- Teaching the Atomic Bomb, Danielle Filas, Delaware 13
- Terminating the War between the Allies and Japan, Mary Hetrick, Wooster 07
- The American/Korean Conflict: Korean or Chinese Draw…Victory?, Joe Serio, Akron 08
- The Asian Holocaust, Joy Vargas Painter, Wooster 07
- The Attack on Pearl Harbor, Lindsey Ritscher, Marietta 08
- The Boxer Rebellion in China , Joe Serio, Akron 08
- The Causes of the Korean War, Jessica Parker, Columbus 11
- The Chinese Cultural Revolution, Whitney Burris, Columbus 11
- The Dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Japan, Russell Lammermeier, Cleveland 12
- The Effects of World War II on Countries in Asia, Tammie Ray, Akron 08
- The End of Japanese Isolationism, Charles Martindell, Delaware 13
- The Great Wall of China, Rebecca Volkmann, Columbus 04
- The Japanese in Manchuria: Hsinking (Changchun) in the 1930’s, Tamula Drumm, Cleveland 12
- The Japanese Revolution, Joe Kennedy, Oxford 09
- The Korean War, Andrew Salzer, Columbus 04
- The Korean War, E. Mark Kreps, Delaware 13
- The Korean War, Marie Ternes, Oberlin 10
- The Kwanju uprising in comparison to the protests on the campus of Kent State University, Russell Lammermeier, Cleveland 12
- The Mongol Invasion of China and the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Barbara Huntwork, Delaware 13
- The Mongol Invasion of Japan, Marbara Huntwork, Delware 13
- The Mongol invasion of Korea, Matt Daugherty, Columbus 16
- The Nanking Massacre , Cassandra McGuyrt, Akron 08
- The Opium Trade, the Opium War, and the Treaty of Nanjing, Mary Hetrick, Wooster 07
- The Opium Wars, Jeff Kho, Cleveland 12
- The Rape of Nanking, Frank Casey, Oberlin 10
- The Rape of Nanking/ The Holocaust, Marie Ternes, Oberlin 10
- The Rape of Nanking: Moral Accountability in a Time of War, Michael Hinze, Columbus 06
- The Republican Revolution of 1911, Ralph Salzer, Columbus 04
- The Rise of Modern Japan, Eric C. VonBerg, Columbus 17
- The Silk Road and the Crusades, Jenny Sage, Granville 09
- The Silk Road, Jona Hall, Marietta 08
- The Technology in China Pre-17th Century, James Swift, Cincinnati 06
- The Treatment of WWII in History, Michael Hinze, Columbus 06
- The Trial of Harry Truman, Edward Swope, Granville 09
- The U.S. and the Boxer Rebellion in Cartoons, Kevin Barnhard, Columbus 17
- The Use of Propaganda Posters to further the Goals of the CCP in its First Years of Rule in China, Lynn Pangrace, Cleveland 12
- The Way of the Warriors: Comparing the Samurai and the Knight, Heidi Blue, Akron 08
- The Western Experience in China: 20th Century Witnesses, Tamula Drumm, Cleveland 12
- Thinking about the A-Bomb, Casey Matthews, Cleveland 12
- Timeline of the Korean War, Pete Ewing, Columbus 04
- Trade “Openings”, Edward Swope, Granville 09
- Tradition versus Change: The Meiji Restoration, Kathryn Benken, Oxford 09
- Understanding History through Oracle Bone Study, Laura Soltis, Columbus 04
- US Firebombing – Why can’t we find it?, Whitney Burris, Columbus 11
- US Involvement in International Conflicts, Rachel Marten, Athens 10
- Using Oral History to Study the Effects of 20th Century Japanese Colonialism on Korea, Lynn Pangrace, Cleveland 12
- Web Quest on China’s Dynasties, Carla Fletcher, Akron 08
- What a Difference a Border Makes, KaSandra Emler, Columbus 11
- What Did Confucius Say?, Lesa Bame, Oxford 09
- When Conflicting Cultures Collide, John Dean, Cincinnati 06
- Which Chinese Dynasty was better, Song or Ming? , Lynn Swaney, Columbus 17
- World Leaders Research Project, Lindsey Ritscher, Marietta 08
- World War II & the Atomic Bomb, Lindsey VanFossen, Columbus 16
- World War II and the Atomic Bomb, Rachel Marten, Athens 10
- World War II/ Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Chris Baughman, Athens 10
- World War II/ US & Japanese Home Front, Kyle McDowell, Delaware 13
- World War II: Japanese-American Internment, Mona Al-Hayani, Toledo 07
- World War II: Once Upon a Time, Erin Brickwood, Akron 08
- World War II: What Would You Have Done?, Erin Brickwood, Akron 08