1999 Symposium

Dr. David Bromwich
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Title: Real-Time Numerical Weather Prediction for Ohio using the PSU/ NCAR Mesoscale Model Version 5 (MM5V5)

Dr. Harold Brooks
Head, Mesoscale Applications Group
National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)
Norman, OK
Title: Issues in the Climatology of Tornadoes

John DiStefano and Greg Tipton
SOO/Lead Forecaster
Wilmington NWSFO
Wilmington, OH
Topic: Case Study of the April 9, 1999 Southwest Ohio F-4 Tornado

Dr. Greg Forbes
Associate Professor
Pennsylvania State University
State College, PA
Title: The 1974 Super Outbreak in Retrospect

Steve Horstmeyer
WKRC-TV Channel 12
Cincinnati, OH
Topic: April 9, 1999 Cincinnati Tornado

Dan McCarthy
Storm Prediction Center (SPC)
Norman, OK
Title: A New Look at the Super Outbreak of 1974 Using Today’s Models

Robert Stewart
Xenia City Manager (Ret.)
Xenia, OH
Title: The Tornado at Xenia: The Aftermath and Steps Taken Towards Rebuilding


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