16th Annual Severe Weather Symposium
The 16th annual Severe Weather Symposium was on Friday, March 2, 2012 at the Fawcett Center on the campus of The Ohio State University.
Speakers and Topics – Click Topic to download PowerPoint file
Eric Wilhelm
(Meteorologist at AccuWeather in State College, Pennsylvania):
Twisters and the Twitterverse: The Employment of Social Media By Television, Radio and Private Sector Meteorologists
Jim Noel
(Service Coordination Hydrologist at the NOAA/National Weather
Service’s Ohio River Forecast Center – OHRFC):
Climate Trends, Risk and Impacts to the Ohio Valley
Ariel Cohen
(Mesoscale Assistant/Fire Weather Forecaster at the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma):
Indices of Violent Tornado Environments
Alan Gerard
(Meteorologist in Charge at the National Weather Service office in Jackson, Mississippi):
April 2011 tornado outbreak
Andre Bernier
(Meteorologist at WJW-TV-Fox 8 in Cleveland, Ohio):
Severe Weather Coverage on Television: Where we’ve been and where we are headed
Bob Maxson
(Director of the Aviation Weather Center in Kansas City, Missouri):
Weather Impacts to the National Airspace System
Dr. John G.W. Kelley
(Meteorologist, Marine Modeling and Analysis Programs, Coast Survey Development Lab, NOAA/National Ocean Service in Durham, NH):
Hurricane Irene and its Impacts
Dan McCarthy
(Meteorologist in Charge at the National Weather Service office in Indianapolis, Indiana):
The Super Outbreaks: 1974 vs. 2011
Gary Garnet
(Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Cleveland, Ohio):
Findings from the Joplin Tornado Assessment