2023 Symposium

The Symposium (formerly known as the Severe Weather Symposium) was held on February 10, 2023 from 9am-5pm at the US Bank Conference Theater in the Ohio Union.


List of speakers:

  • Dr. Greg Elsaesser (NASA & Columbia University)
  • Dr. Scott Rudlosky (NOAA NESDIS STAR)
  • Dr. Jana Houser (The Ohio State University)
  • Ms. Emily Lill (Colorado State University)
  • Mr. Frank Niepold (NOAA Climate Program Office)
  • Dr. Steven Quiring (StormImpact)
  • Mr. James Spann (WBMA | Birmingham, Alabama)
  • Dr. Zack Leasor (Climate Analytics Lab)


Link to symposium recordings


If you have any issues accessing the recordings, please send an email to either osumetclub@gmail.com or to Jacob Fields at fields.609@buckeyemail.osu.edu.


Thank you all for attending the event!