Journal Subscriptions

Requests for Subscriptions and Renewals

Starting with the Spring 2022 issue, all MCLC subscriptions will be handled by Edinburgh University Press (EUP), the journal’s new publisher. To subscribe, go to: All existing subscribers must renew their subscriptions with EUP. For further information, please contact:

Carol Lonie
Subscriptions Manager
Edinburgh University Press
The Tun – Holyrood Road
12 (2f) Jackson’s Entry
Edinburgh EH8 8PJ
Tel: +44 (0)131 650 4196

Back Issue Availability / Price List
(for individual subscribers)**

Order back issues here
Find tables of contents of back issues here

Vol. 1, Issue 1 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 1, Issue 2 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 2, Issue 1: $15.00
Vol. 2, Issue 2: $15.0
Vol. 3, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00
Vol. 4, Issues 1 & 2 (Print on Demand): $35.00
Vol. 5, Issue 1 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 5, Issue 2: $15.00
Vol. 6, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00
Vol. 7, Issue 1: $15.00
Vol. 7, Issue 2: $15.00
Vol. 8, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 9, Issue 2: $15.00
Vol. 10, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00

** Institutions pay $40 US for single number issues and $70 US for double number issues. Special rates available for complete run of back issues. Contact: