Requests for Subscriptions and Renewals
Starting with the Spring 2022 issue, all MCLC subscriptions will be handled by Edinburgh University Press (EUP), the journal’s new publisher. To subscribe, go to: All existing subscribers must renew their subscriptions with EUP. For further information, please contact:
Carol Lonie
Subscriptions Manager
Edinburgh University Press
The Tun – Holyrood Road
12 (2f) Jackson’s Entry
Edinburgh EH8 8PJ
Tel: +44 (0)131 650 4196
Back Issue Availability / Price List
(for individual subscribers)**
Order back issues here
Find tables of contents of back issues here
Vol. 1, Issue 1 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 1, Issue 2 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 2, Issue 1: $15.00
Vol. 2, Issue 2: $15.0
Vol. 3, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00
Vol. 4, Issues 1 & 2 (Print on Demand): $35.00
Vol. 5, Issue 1 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 5, Issue 2: $15.00
Vol. 6, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00
Vol. 7, Issue 1: $15.00
Vol. 7, Issue 2: $15.00
Vol. 8, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (Print on Demand): $25.00
Vol. 9, Issue 2: $15.00
Vol. 10, Issues 1 & 2: $20.00
** Institutions pay $40 US for single number issues and $70 US for double number issues. Special rates available for complete run of back issues. Contact: