The Views

Today was full of wonderful views.  Kew  Gardens was our first stop on our journey today and it could not have been better.  To bad that we could not explore the 326 acres. After Kew it was time for lunch and what a struggle that was to get there, but we managed to find the right path and enjoyed a wonderful meal.  The London Eye was pretty special too.  It gave a great view of the sun setting over the city.  However, I think the greatest part of the night was my trip to The Shard with John and Todd.  From the top one could see the entire city of London.  That was well worth the £29.95 in my opinion.image

One thought on “The Views

  1. Not sure what you mean by “too bad we could not explore the 326 acres”. From the time I left students, there were 5 hours before the next activity, afternoon tea. Yes, students needed to get to the tea, grab a small snack of a lunch and change if so desired, but there was ample time to explore. It is up to the students to make best use of their time.
    It has been great to read all the student posts and comments on this blog. Many thanks to Troy for setting up and organizing the blog and Jeff Shaw for setting up the iPads for students on short notice.
    Regarding the blog,
    I have mentioned this to several students but not all: since I don’t get a chance to talk to everyone everyday, the blog has been great for me to see the students thoughts, impressions and what they are learning. I think you all have gotten so much out of this trip and I feel fortunate that I was able to show you my favourite city. Make the most of your last free day!

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