Artifact 1

The meaningful experience is the homework called University Resource Preparation in my survey class. This homework is basically that everyone of us goes to the major resource center in the school. Like the libraries, the health center, the undergraduate research center, the test center, the consulting center and so on. This activity takes me a couple days to walk around and take pictures around. But I think this homework give me a chance to know the university resource better than my peer s who never did this homework. After I finish this homework I have a better sense of what resource our university have and available for us, then in the next four years I will be using those resource efficiency and that will help me to develop better in my major career. In this activity I need to take pictures around campus, there are many people looking at me when we do that but I can ignore that. This gives me a chance to ask any questions that I have and afraid to ask in the past. So that I really step out and to go to the resource center and ask them about their major usage and take a picture, next time when I need something I will know what should do for this. I would definitely say that this activity is a great project to do, and it worths the time.

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