Midterm2 and Final

Midterm2 and Final will be based on assembly code, pseudo code and flow charts. Running your code on the Launch pad will not be required. MT2 will be posted next week on Sunday, April 5. Final will be posted on Sunday, April 19. As usual, you will have one week to work on the exams. Please keep on following the Screencasts.

Project1 has been dropped

Because many of you are not able to use the Launchpad from home, and the project was supposed to be an applied project which used the Launchpad, project1 is being dropped. You will still get a grade for project1 by using the following formula: Project1 will get the grade of MT1 or MT2, whichever is the larger grade. Since the Project is 15% and the MTs are 20% of the total grade, the project’s grade will be scaled appropriately.

About the Screencasts

I prefer to make screencasts in front of students since the students get a chance to ask questions and the screencasts are more dynamic. Since we will not be having in class meetings any more, I will start posting the screencasts from last semester which were recorded in front a live audience of students. The next screencast I post (Screencast16) will have a slight overlap with the already posted Screencast15.

About Quiz04

Many students are telling me that they were using computers on campus and cannot execute their code at home. Just submit the pseudo code, flowchart and the assembly code. You will not lose points if the memory browser screenshots are missing.

Suspension of all in-person classes, and ECE2560

Since our class is totally based on screencasts and all the quizzes, projects and exams are take-home, we will continue as usual. There will be no change, except that we will not be meeting in the lecture room and I will be making the screencasts in my office, all by myself.