Class Info

ECE2560 – Introduction to Microcontroller-Based Systems
Spring 2022
We Fr 4:10pm-5:05pm, 113 Dreese Lab.

Prof. Furrukh Khan
Dreese Lab. 320

Syllabus: Syllabus_ECE2560_v0_8

Office Hours

About Zoom office hours: As long as you are signed in through OSU, the Zoom link (URL) is all you need to join the Zoom office hour meeting.

Eric Oyen (
Tuesday 11:00-12:00 (on Zoom, link)
Wednesday 4:00-5:00 (in person, Dreese Lab 725)

David Henderson (
Thursday 1:00-2:00 (in person, Dreese Lab 725)
Friday 3:00-4:00 (on Zoom, link)

Purchase MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad Development Kit (MSP-EXP430FR6989)
from Texas Instruments, Amazon, Digi-Key, Mouser, Texas Instruments etc.
Mouser Electronics
Texas Instruments

Download CCS (Code Composer Studio) v9.1.0 or later from Texas Instruments
Free downloads for Windows and Mac are available

Yujia, our former TA, had confirmed that CCS is working with our launchpad in DL517 computer lab. If you have not been able to run CCS on your computer even after contacting the TAs then please use the computers is DL517. Yujia saw a problem with CCS in the CL260 computer lab. It might be fixed by now, but to be on the safe side, use DL517.