Project will be posted on Nov. 14. Quiz04 will be posted on Nov. 7

No Quiz for the week of Nov. 1 – 7
Screencasts 17 and 18 to be posted this week will contain material and examples for Quiz04 and the Project
Quiz04 includes practice material for the Project, therefore it makes sense to order these assignments this way.
No assignment during the Thanksgiving week

.byte and .word arrays

Please watch Screencast9 at the 5:00 mark, where handling .byte and .word arrays is explained, in particular the difference between inc and incd is explained.

Also review the following material

Midterrm02’s code form Spring 2021 to see an example of how to implement a for-loop inside another for-loop.

Lesson12 and Screencast13

Read Lesson11 and watch Screencast12!

Make sure that you have read Lesson11 thoroughly and watched the whole Screencast12 before coming to any of the office hours this week. Before answering any questions I will ask a few specific questions to make sure that you have reviewed the lesson and watched the screencast. 

Additional office hour for midterm02

I will have an additional office hour on Thursday, Oct. 28 from 11:30am to 12:20pm. Make sure that you have read Lesson11 and watched the corresponding screencast12 before coming to any of the office hours this week.