Micro Khantrollers! Your grades have been posted!

Final average was rounded up. Here is where the grades fall:
94 – 100 (A)
90 – 93.9 (A-)
87 – 89.9 (B+)
83 – 86.9 (B)
80 – 82.9 (B-)
77 – 79.9 (C+)
73 – 76.9 (C)
70 – 72.9 (C-)
67 – 69.9 (D+)
60 – 66.9 (D)
Below 60 (E)
Good luck and Off Blast!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are using je, then please use jeq

If you are using je then it will not work, our microcontroller does not support je, instead use jeq. Please make this correction in the lessons where I have used je instead of jeq.

Project is now due on Thursday, Dec. 5, 11:59pm

Your GTA will not have office hours on Tuesday because she has a final exam. Her Tuesday office hour has  been moved to Wednesday, 1pm to 2pm. If you can not make it to her Wednesday’s office hour then you can contact her by email and set up an appointment (for Wednesday or Thursday). Recall that you can also ask me questions right after Wednesday’s lecture in class. Note that Wednesday’s lecture might end  a bit early so make sure that you attend the class on Wednesday if you have any Project related questions.