Note2 for the Final

In the Final, there should be no loop of any kind in the program. See Screencast23 for details about setting sleep modes.

Note1 for the Final

In the first example of Screencast23, our input is from a signal generator not a button, that is why we are not configuring a pullup or pull down resistance. In our FinalĀ  we are using buttons on our board. Also, these buttons are active low. So do not just follow the Screencast23 example verbatim, make proper adjustments for buttons on our board. It is important to understand Screencasts 20, 21, 22 and 23 before attempting the Final or going to office hours for help.

Final has been posted

Due Date: Friday, Dec. 10. 11:59pm

Note that you have 12 days to finish your final. If you have watched the screencasts then the final should not take more than a few hours to finish. These 12 days are given to you for your flexibility so that you can arrange this final around your other classes. Don’t leave everything to the last moment; there are plenty of office hours between now and the due date.

There are no more assignments for this class.

Before coming to tomorrow’s office hours …

Make sure that you have watched the relevant screencasts and also seen the online Project solutions from the last semester.

Also, bring your laptop and launchpad with you.

Subject for tomorrow’s office hours

Please use tomorrow’s office hours for Project related questions. I want to make sure that all the Project related questions are answered tomorrow. Please set aside questions related to Screencasts 20, 21, 22 for the next week.