Since all our quizzes and exams are take home, we have more classes than lectures, so we have to take a day off once in a while.
Month: October 2019
Screencast18 is online
Mac users and CCS issues after a mac update
If you are using a Mac, and the latest upgrade has made it so that you can no
longer use the TI v.4.4.8 compiler, then you need to upgrade to the latest version of the compiler. A document about a workaround for Mac users has been posted in the “Lessons” section.
Lecture17 is online
Please make sure to attach the pseudo-code and flowchart to your Quiz03 solution before submitting it
Screencast17 is online
Please watch this screencast before you do Quiz3. I talk about setting the appropriate format to view variables in the debugger. I have talked about it in previous lectures but some students are still not setting the right format to view their variables in the debugger.
Screencast16 is online
Lesson16 is online
New due date for Quiz03
I have been told that quite a few students in our class have a boatload of exams and projects due this weekend. Quiz03 is now due on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 11:59pm.
Mistake in formula in Carmen MT1 scores
There is a mistake in the formula used for MT1 scores showing on Carmen. New scores will be posted soon.