
Module 7

This online class has made me realize that technology is an essential part of success in college, obviously, and the only way to get that success is to master how you use the resources you find on the internet. I have learned to be sure to have reliable sources that you have to site. It is important that you find sources by legitimate authors and publishers to make sure your research is the best as possible. Online tools are very useful when it comes to studying as well, because you can make flashcards, you can take practice tests, and you can even chat online with your professor if you have questions. It is very useful when you have to research for a project, or when you have to share your report with your classmates.

I have learned that I am a very bad procrastinator, but when it comes to getting things done correctly and on time, I don’t really have a problem. I have never taken a class during the summer, but having a class over the summer really helped me to schedule and budget my time and get all of my work done with time to spare. I did not want to get behind on this work especially since it is online because if there is ever a problem with something or the Internet fails, there is time to get it fixed without having to panic and rush. Because of this, I have learned that it is easier to get ahead on projects and work rather than just waiting until the last second and for get about it or have something happen that makes it late.

My most meaningful experience in the course was when we took the quizzes that show how we procrastinate and what we do to procrastinate. Those quizzes really opened my eyes to how I need to change my habits and that if I do change, it will make things easier. I also liked to write blog posts because I have always to write a blog, and it was nice to reflect on what we had learned in that past week. It was also very interesting to read about what websites the other students used to help them study and write papers because now I have expanded my knowledge on proper ways to study and memorize different subjects.

In the future, I will be sure to get ahead on my schoolwork because from what I have learned, it makes things way easier in the future. I have learned that I am a pretty bad procrastinator, but now I have some tools that I can use to help me battle it in the future. I have learned that there are some website that are not reliable and you really have to be careful on what you use because it could give you wrong information. I now know that you have to do research that will lead to legitimate sources for your project or report. I have researched some websites for studying, writing papers, and practicing for tests that I will definitely use in the future.

Module 6

It is very important to have reliable sources that don’t reveal too much about the topic. They should have an author and the publisher clearly displayed so that you can see if they are legitimate or not. I learned from module 6 that there should also be legit contact information so that you can contact the publishers of the website if you have any questions or concerns. I didn’t think about that before I read module 6, but it seems so obvious now. It is also important that the website does not have biased information because that is not good for when you’re writing an analysis paper on a subject. You also have to pay attention to the citations of the sources that they use because if those sources aren’t credible, then the whole website is almost unusable. You have to search the website for the main audience because you don’t want the website to reveal too much information about the topic. This could cause you to miss the main point of what you’re doing in the first place, which is coming up with your own analysis, not copying an expert’s analysis onto your own paper. It is very important that you properly research for your papers, and that you find websites and sources that are actually credible.

Module 5

It is just as important to write down information as it is to sit through and listen to a lecture. Without taking notes, you are setting yourself up to forget everything you had sat through. There are many different ways to take notes, but from what I have learned during this module, it is ok to not fit into a category of notes perfectly. It is important to write notes that are easy for you to write down and that are easy for you to go back and look at with ease. I found that I do not fit into one category of notes exactly, but it’s easier for my mind to combine two strategies into one.

I learned from this module, also, that it is important to find a concept that is presented in an interesting way that is easy for your mind to remember. For example, if the information is shown in a catchy song or with some memorable pictures, the it is more likely that the information presented will stick easier. I was shown a song of the capitals of all of the Spanish-speaking countries in South America in 7h grade, and because the song is so catchy and repetitive, i still remember every word of the song to this day. If the information isn’t presented in a way that is exactly interesting to you, then you should make it into a song or something that is catchy so that your mind with grasp onto the information easier, and that the information is easier to recall when you are taking an exam or quiz.

Educational Video

This video is of the capital cities of all of the Spanish-speaking countries. I was shown this video is 7th grade Spanish class, and I still know all of the words to this day. I think it was because my teacher had us sing it every day, or because of the catchy tune.It is represented in an interesting way, rather than a lecture and flashcards, it is a song with a tune that will never fail you.

This video helps students who are just learning Spanish to memorize important places in the Spanish-speaking world. This video is catchy and repetitive so that it is easy to remember. It is also very important that students know all of the Spanish-speaking countries because later on in Spanish classes in high school and college, they will become useful. The way this information is presented (the song along with the pictures of the countries) also helps you to remember its content.

Module 4

There are many resources that students can use to help aid in their success in college. Academic websites such as and can help any student master concepts of any subject while studying for exams at the same time. Websites like these help organize information while helping to quiz you about the information. I use these websites to organize my notes from class, and I have found that it is very handy when you want to go back and review what you learned in class when preparing for an exam. Teachers can help interact with you to make sure that you are studying specific information and that the information is sticking. On the other hand, websites such as, and help any student write a well-organized and properly cited paper. These websites help to format a paper in accordance to what class it is for, and avoid copyright because of a well-formatted bibliography as well. I used all of these websites during my first year in college, and I will continue to do so because they all offer great resources that help me to write great papers. With the help of all of the studying websites that I have listed, I have never felt more prepared for exams and quizzes.

Stephanie’s Learning Blog

When people try to help new incoming students prepare for college, it can be a bit overwhelming. However, if there is one thing that I would recommend for a successful academic experience, is to get to know your professors. In module 3 we learned about how to properly communicate with your professors online via email and Carmen, and that relationship between you and your professor can make or break a class. My freshman year I was sick a lot, and because I initially created a positive relationship with each of my professors, the emails I sent them only helped build a stronger relationship. If you form a well-written and sincere email, then your professors are more likely to cut you a little bit of slack if you are legitimately sick or out of class. Although it is important to have a good relationship with your professors in the actual classroom, if you have proper netiquitte when trying to email or contact them outside of class, then they will come to appreciate the effort you have put into trying to impress them. In my opinion, if professors call you by first name when you walk into the classroom, then you will have a more enjoyable and positive experience in the class.