2023 4-H Camp Counselor Applications


I’m SO EXCITED to get our 2023 camp counselors selected! Part of our Camp Counselor Applications are to pitch new ideas for themes and camp sessions – and let me tell you – there are some FANTASTIC IDEAS! As an educator, it gets me excited for the upcoming year! But this is your friendly reminder to get those applications in ASAP! As always, if you have any questions, please email me at: Lewis.3213@osu.edu OR call me at the OSU Extension Office!

Step 1: Be sure to complete the 2023 Older Youth Opportunity Base Application form found on the 2023 Applications & Scholarships page and turn in to the Fulton County OSU Extension Office (during office hours M-F 8:30am-4:30pm, using the Night Deposit Box, or email to Sara at Lewis.3213@osu.edu) by Thursday, December 15 at 11:59pm. This is required in addition to the Camp Counselor Application.

Step 2: Complete the All-In-One” Camp Counselor Application– It will take roughly 10-15 minutes and you will need a parent to sign at the end of the application – so please don’t wait until the last minute!

Step 3: Sign up for an interview time…

  • NEW Camp Counselors – This is for counselors who have NEVER participated as a 4-H CAMP COUNSELOR.
    • Dates for LIVE interviews:
      • Wednesday, January 4 – 6-8pm @ Fulton County OSU Extension Office, Wauseon
      • Thursday, January 5 – 6-8pm @ Fulton County OSU Extension Office, Wauseon
  • RETURNING Camp Counselors – If you’ve been a 4-H Camp Counselor before, please select a time to complete an interview via ZOOM.
    • Dates for ZOOM Interviews
      • Tuesday, December 27 4-7pm
      • Wednesday, December 28  10am-5pm
      • Tuesday, January 3 4-8pm

Step 4: Check out the 2023 Applications & Scholarships page for Counselor Meeting dates

2023 Fulton County 4-H Camp is June 8-12, 2023
Theme: To Be Determined

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