Design brainstorming and determination:
AEV Theme: Space
AEV feature we will be focused on altering: arm
Group D’s guided topics: battery testing & coasting vs power braking
Josh’s Design:
- Meant to improve aerodynamics, as well as move around certain parts
Alicia’s Design:
- make AEV more exciting and add better aerodynamics
Megan’s Design:
- Make better aerodynamics, and make AEV look better
Pauls Design: (design used for grant proposal, and chosen one amongst the group)
- meant to spread out fans, as well as improve balance
Design Decisions and Grant proposal
Solid works draft pictures and gif:
Reflectance sensors:
Purpose of these sensors is to track the distance the AEV moves in marks, in order to allow for distance based coding.
Codes used throughout:
- Code for reflectance test:
- reflectanceSensorTest( );
- View serial monitor
- Code for Test run:
celerate(4,0,25,3) – accelerates all motors from 0 to 25 in 3 seconds
motorSpeed(4,25) – go at speed of 25 on all motors
- goFor(1) – for one second ^
motorSpeed(4,20) – run all motors at 20
- goFor(2) – for two seconds^
- reverse(4) – reverse all motors
- motorSpeed(4,25) – run all motors at 25 power
- goFor(2) – for two seconds^
- brake(4) – brakes all engines
- Data From Test run
Cods is working as intended, and outside of some outlier points, the performance of the AEV was correct and expected
Code for aR&D 1
//run all motors at 25% power for 125 marks
//run all motors at 30% power for 125 marks
//run all motors at 35% power for 125 marks
Code for aR&D 2
//run all motors at 30% power for 40 marks
//run all motors at 30% power for 50 marks
Code for successful run of performance test 1
// Run all motors at a constant speed (23% power) to 122 marks
//Brake all motors at 20 marks, then reverse
//Run all motors at a constant speed (15% power) for 1.5 seconds
//Brake all motors for 7 seconds
//Reverse all motors, then run at a constant speed (25% power) to 40 marks
Design Considerations
- Design observations: (current design is Sample AEV 1)
- Thus far, only the sample design has been tested
- Seems to work fine, very simplistic and clunky
- Balance concerns when on track as wheels aren’t centered
- Battery adding and size make it slow to begin testing in a given period
- Research and future design considerations.
- Wheels need to be over the battery/Arduino, which is the center of mass, so that it is balanced and doesn’t wobble
- Need battery mounting to be separate from tower mounting so we don’t have to take it apart each time.
- Minimizing weight is key to making the AEV require less power
- Keeping mass as close to wheels as possible, as that makes the AEV easier to begin moving
- Test and research needed:
- alternative battery bracket
- stacked fans
- reposition main tower
Advanced Research and Development
aR&D 1: Coasting test
- Takeaways from coasting test:
- As the speed increased by 5%, the AEV coasts 20.7 inches farther on average.
- As speed increases, the successive gains in distance coasted decreases.
- At a constant speed, changing distance has very little effect on coasting, only changing by about the difference in powered distance.
- Supporting research:
Graph 1 shows how the AEV travels over a constant powered distance of 25% power for 125 marks, resulting in a final position of 249 marks, meaning 124 marks coasted
Graph 2 shows how the AEV travels over a constant powered distance of 30% power for 125 marks, resulting in a final position of 307 marks, meaning 182 marks coasted
Graph 3 shows how the AEV travels over a constant powered distance of 35% power for 125 marks, resulting in a final position of 336 marks, meaning 211 marks coasted
Power: | 25% | 30% | 35% |
Distance Coasted: | 124 marks | 182 marks | 211 marks |
Table summarizing all the data gathered, at a powered distance of 125 marks
Distance Powered: | 91 marks | 106 marks | 125 marks |
Distance Coasted: | 180 marks | 201 marks | 216 marks |
Table showing how distance coasted changes with changing powered distance, at 30% power
3. What this does for the future:
- This proves to the team that coasting is hardly a feasible option in terms of performance tests as the AEV has so little friction that the coasting is way too long to be practical.
- Shows how even at 25% power, it coasts for nearly 20 inches, which is not only wildly inconsistent, but proves the need to power break
- That for smaller sections, changing the distance and coasting might be useful, as the distance coasted has a high correlation with the distance powered
- This makes the AEV more marketable as with this information, we will use less coasting, and the resulting power breaking that will need to be done will lead to a more crisp, clean performance run, look more controlled on track, and reduce the inconsistencies across runs by a lot.
aR&D 2: Battery tests
- Takeaways from this test
- During the course of one lab period (approximately 55 minutes), the battery voltage decreased by approximately 0.01 Volts.
- The amount of distance the AEV traveled did not have a significant impact on the battery voltage, however, as the AEV is powered for more distance, the voltage decreases faster over time
- Supporting research
Graph 1 shows the voltage decrease over 40 marks at 30% power, with an average voltage of 8.141 Volts, and a slope of -.0116 Volts/second
Graph 2 shows the voltage decrease over 50 marks at 30% power, with an average voltage of 8.134 Volts, and a slope of -.0219 Volts/second
NOTE: as the 40 mark test was conducted earlier in a testing day than the 50 mark test, the .007 Volt decrease is a result of battery drain over time, and is indicative of how the voltage decreases after successive runs
3. Future looking plans with this data
- This data shows how energy is consumed over an AEV run, meaning it dictates how we run out AEV on the final run to conserve energy
- One takeaway from this is that the voltage decreases no matter what as you use the battery over a day
- Also, that the voltage will decrease over a run of the AEV, as the AEV is being powered, meaning long runs and distances are preferred, as these will use less voltage
- Overall, this proves that around 8 Volts are used a second, which slightly decreases over a run, which should enable the team to predict the energy used for the final performance test