Lab 2

Lab 2 – Arduino Programming Basics

The group began by testing the sensors on the AEV.  These sensors are one of the more vital pieces of hardware on the AEV, as they allow the group to understand where the AEV is on the track, and how much longer the AEV has to travel along the track.  The group also attempted to use the AEV on the track, but ultimately they were not successful at sending it around the entire track.

From this lab, the team took away a key point: the battery must be fully charged in order to have an accurate percent power. The group estimated the required power to be at 40%. The team also noticed the AEV device sat at an angle on the track, but once in motion, this was not an issue.

Sample Code:

//Set all motor power to 25%


//Maintain the power for 2 seconds


//Set all motor power to 20%


//Continue reading the reflectance sensor until it reaches 394 marks


//Reverse the polarity of all motors


// Set all motor power to 30%


//Maintain the power for 1.5 seconds


Team Meeting Notes:

Date: January 29th, 2017
Time: 4:00pm
Members Present: All
Topics/Agenda: Progress Report Week 3/Project Portfolio
Action Items:
          1. Week 3 Progress Report: All
          *Due 1/31/17
          2. Project Portfolio: Kaitlyn
          *Due 2/7/17
          3. Brainstorm AEV Designs & Sketch: All
          *Due 2/7/14


Weekly Schedule

Table 3: Week 3 Schedule

Task Teammate(s) Start Date Due Date Time Needed
Brainstorm AEV Designs All 1/22/17 2/14/17 2 hrs
Project Portfolio Kaitlyn 1/22/17 2/7/17 1 hr
Week 4 Progress Report All 1/29/17 2/7/17 3 hrs