Team Working Agreement

Team Working Agreement

 Spring 2019

Jan. 22. Revised Date

1. Group Information
Lab Section: #9529
Table Letter: N
Instructor: Bill Cohen
GTA: Sheng Zhu
2. Contact Information
Preferred Method(s) of Contact: Groupme
Expected Response time(s): Within a day

Team member info:

Matthew Fortner (315) 400-9862
Lindsey Shimoda (832)-278-7188
Matthew Stitt  (330) 495-7330
3. Team Goal
What are the team’s expectations of quality level? Top goals? Minimum acceptable goals?
Quality level means to meet all of the requirements in the rubric,  have put sufficient time into the task, and to give the best effort. A top goal for the team is to complete all assignments a day before they are due to allow time for one team member to check over the work. Minimum acceptable goals is to meet all of the requirements on the rubric and to submit the assignment on time.
4. Meetings
 We will meet at least once every week for the duration of this project in order to keep on track for completing this project. We expect that we will have to meet more frequently towards the end of the semester as the deadline gets closer.
Date: Wednesday Time: 9:00 pm Location: Drackett Tower
Date: Thursday Time: 9:00 pm Location: Drackett Tower

Individual in charge of:


Lindsey Shimoda
Agenda: Matthew Stitt

Matthew Fortner

5. General Team Member expectations
-What are team member expectations regarding attendance?
Each member is required to be on time and available when for the meeting that has been previously set up through communication on Groupme.
-How are team members expected to behave during lab/class periods?
Each member is expected to focus and remain on task throughout the duration of the time that we are together in order to get our assignment completed in a timely manner.
-How are team members expected to behave during team meetings?
Team members are expected to bring what they have agreed to complete before the meeting time in order to use the time effectively.
-What are acceptable/unacceptable types of interaction?
Acceptable: Making small conversation to get to know each other, as long as it does not interfere with what the team is currently working on
Unacceptable: Deliberately keeping the team off task
-What are team members meant to do between classes?
The team members are meant to divide up the work that is expected to be completed by the next class, and to complete their individual assignment with enough time left so that the other members can check their work.
-How are team members meant to ensure the team stays on track?
The team members will stay on track by agreeing to the project schedule and making sure tasks are completed in the time that they need to be completed.
-How are documents expected to be shared?
Documents are expected to be shared through Google Drive.
-How many days before an assignment is due should everybody have their portion completed for review?
Everyone should have their portion completed for review by the evening before an assignment is due.
-When should team members first notify the group if they are struggling?
Team members should notify the group if they are having trouble immediately so that other members can figure out how and when to give their time to help the other member.
6. Individual Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines?
-What roles do team members have?
Lead Website tracker Lindsey Shimoda
Lead Documentor Matthew Stitt
Lead Programmer Matthew Fortner
-What tasks are team members in charge of?
Matthew Fortner- Completing the code for the lab activities
Lindsey Shimoda-Keeping the website updated
Matthew Stitt- Making sure the team stays on top of deadlines
-How often will these roles/task rotate?
These roles will rotate whenever a member requests for a change.
7. Conflict Resolution
Once the team goals, general member expectations, and individual team member responsibilities have been established, candid, non-threatening discussion must be held when the group or individuals are not meeting the agreed upon terms.
-How will team members above be held accountable?
Team members will be held accountable by having one other team member check their work the night before an assignment is due.
-How will team members that are not meeting expectations be addressed?
Team members not meeting expectations will be addressed immediately. If an additional meeting is needed to be held, to discuss the problem, a message will be sent out on groupme.
-How will team members that are not interacting appropriately with team members be addressed?
As soon as a member notices that someone is interacting inappropriately, they will address it then, in order to not let the problem persist.
-When is it okay to redefine goals, expectations, and responsibilities?
It is always acceptable to redefine goals, expectations and responsibilities whenever a member feels there needs to be a change.
When will UTAs, GTAs, or the instructor become involved?
An instructor will become involved when an issue arises between team members and team members are unable to come to an understanding. Once this disagreement inhibits the success of the team a UTA, GTA or instructor will be asked to help.
8. Expectations of Faculty and GTAs
If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.
9. Team Signatures
Lindsey Shimoda
Matthew Fortner
Matthew Stitt