Be able to determine the best motor configuration using two motors for the AEV design.
AEV with updated design
1. Run a test with both motors forward (pull) with the following code:
// Accelerate all motors from 0% to 25% power in 2 seconds
celerate(4, 0, 25, 2);
// Run both motors at 25% power for 4ft (99 marks)
motorSpeed(4, 25);
// Brake both motors
2. Run a test with both motors backward (push) with the following code
// Reverse the motors
// Accelerate all motors from 0% to 25% power in 2 seconds
celerate(4, 0, 25, 2);
// Run both motors at 25% power for 4ft (99 marks)
motorSpeed(4, 25);
// Brake both motors
3. Run a test with one motor in each direction (one push, one pull) with the following code
// Reverse motor 1
// Accelerate all motors from 0% to 25% power in 2 seconds
celerate(4, 0, 25, 2);
// Run both motors at 25% power for 4ft (99 marks)
motorSpeed(4, 25);
// Brake both motors
4. Run a “control” and see if there is a difference between if the left is the puller while the right is pusher, and vise versa
//Reverse motor 2
// Accelerate all motors from 0% to 25% power in 2 seconds
celerate(4, 0, 25, 2);
// Run both motors at 25% power for 4ft (99 marks)
motorSpeed(4, 25);
// Brake both motors
Speed cannot exceed 50%
5-10 trails for each configuration
Data Analysis
We expect the pusher method to be the most efficient due to the angle of our wings and the fact that both motors will be working together to propel the AEV. We will create Distance v. Time charts to compare each propulsion method based on the time it takes each method to traverse the same distance. We will also create a Power v. Time chart to determine if any method is more efficient than the others.
Number of Runs (both motors pulling)  Time to complete course (secs)  Max Power Usage (Watts) 
1 11.1 5.98
2 11.101 6.19
Average Pull Graphs:
Number of Runs (both motors pushing)  Time to complete course (secs)  Max Power Usage (Watts)  
1  9.181  6.79 
2  9.962  6.47 
Average Push Graphs:
Number of Runs (one pull, one push)  Time to complete course (secs)  Power Usage (Watts) 
1  0  0 
2  0  0 
Progress Report:
1. How do the speeds of the AEV with two pusher, two puller, and one of each motor compare? 
The AEV was the fastest when both motors are pushing. The AEV was the slowest when one motor pulled and one motor pushed; it did not move at all.
2. Is any method of propulsion more efficient than the others?
Having the motors push is the most efficient because it moves the fastest and it did not use much more power than the pulling method.
3. What is the benefit, if any, of using one pusher and one puller motor instead of two of one kind?
There is no benefit in having a pusher and a puller motor if they are oriented the same way. In this case, the motors will go against each other and not move. However, if the motors are oriented in opposite directions, the puller and pusher motors will work together.
Information on Motor Configuration was found in [5].