Ohio State Engineering 

First-Year Engineering 

Team-Working Agreement 


Team Working Agreement 

Term Spring 2019 

Creation 01/18/19; Revised 2/23/19


1)  Group Identification 

Lab section # – 9529 

Table # – A 

Instructor – Bill Cohen 

GTA – Sheng Zhu                               

2) Contact Information 

Perferred method of contact: iMessage 

Expected response time: Within 24 hours 

Table with Name and Contact Information: 

Paige Bormann  614-949-6446    
Miho Kaburagi  614-726-0124    
Rachel Roman  740-502-8353    
Tatum Wilmes  513-448-5948    

3) Team Goals 

Quality Expectations 

  • All tasks are completed by an agreed upon deadline to allow for revisions 
  • All tasks meet or exceed project guidelines  

Top Goals 

  • Every team member participates equally in team assignments 
  • Every team member is involved in AEV design decisions 
  • Every team member gains experience with programming, website design, and documentation 

Minimum Acceptable Goals 

  • All tasks are completed by the class deadline 
  • All tasks receive a passing grade 

4)  Meetings  

Meeting Frequency 

  • Team members are expected to be at every scheduled lab to complete in-class assignments 
  • Meetings outside of class will occur on an as-needed basis 

Primary Meeting Day/Time/Location 

  • Tuesdays/Thursdays: 9:10am – 10:05am 
  • Fridays: 9:35am – 10:55am 

Secondary Meeting Days/Times/Location 

  •  Sundays: 3pm-5pm

Individual(s) in charge of agenda(s) 

  •  Tatum Wilmes
  • Rachel Roman

Individual(s) in charge of reminders

  •  Paige Bormann

Individual(s) in charge of minutes

  •  Miho Kaburagi 


5)  General Team Member Expectation 

Attendance Expectations 

  • Everyone is expected to attend every meeting/lab/class. If someone cannot attend, they should let the other team members know as soon as possible.  

Class Behavior Expectations 

  • Everyone is expected to participate during lab/class. Team members should assign in-class tasks at the beginning of each lab/class, and everyone is expected to complete their task. If someone is unsure how to complete their assigned task, it is their responsibility to ask for help or clarification.  

Team Meeting Behavior Expectations 

  • The team member in charge of the agenda will be responsible for informing the team about what tasks are going to be discussed or accomplished during every meeting. Everyone is expected to focus on the task at hand in order to maximize efficiency.  

Acceptable Types of Interactions  

  • Team members should always be respectful to one another. Any disrespectful actions towards other team members, such as disregarding ideas, not sharing information related to an assignment, or being unwilling to participate, will not be tolerated.  

Outside of Class Expectations 

  • Team members should work on their assigned tasks and be prepared to update the team on their progress. Team members should also prepare for the next class in any way necessary (sumbitting assignments, reviewing the pre-class material, attending meetings, etc.).  

Lab/Class Preparation 

  • Everyone should complete pre-class/lab assingments before coming to class. 

Keeping the Team on Task 

  • The team member in charge of reminders is responsible for informing the team on any upcoming assingments. However, every team members should check Carmen daily for upcoming assignments or due dates that may have been overlooked.  

Sharing Documents 

  • Team members can share documents via Microsoft Word, Buckeye Box, email, or whatever method seems most appropriate for the given assignment. When a document is shared, the team member who shared the document should inform the team when and how they shared it.  

Agreed Upon Team Deadline 

  • Team members are expected to complete all assignments at least one day before the deadline to allow time for review.  

Notifying the Group When a Team Member is Struggling 

  • A team member should alert the group within 24 hours if they are struggling. The struggling team member may tell the group about their struggles in class, via iMessage, or through whatever means of communication the person feels most comfortable using.  

6)  Individual Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines 

What roles do team members have? 

  • Paige Bormann: Documentation
  • Miho Kaburagi: Documentation 
  • Rachel Roman: Labs & AEV Design
  • Tatum Wilmes: Website

What tasks are team members in charge of? 

  • Each team member is expected to help in every area. However, the person in charge of a specific area is responsible for informing everyone of what tasks they have been assigned to complete and making sure everything is compelted on time for their respective area.  

How often will these roles/task rotate? 

  • The Kit Carrier role will rotate every week. 

7)  Conflict Resolution 

Team Member Accountability 

  • Team members are expected to inform other team members about upcoming tasks and responsibilities at least three days before the assignment is due. 
  • Teams members should also let other team members know as soon as possible if they are having any issues with their assigned area or tasks.  

Addressing Team Members Who Do Not Meet Expectations 

  • If a team member is not meeting the expectations, the other team members will discuss whether they believe the person intentionally disregarded the expectations (ex. not meeting expectatins due to special circumstance versus not meeting expectations due to lack of effort). If the other team members agree that the person intentionally disregarded expectations, the person in question will be confronted. If the person continues to not meet expectations, a member of the instructional staff will be informed.  

Addressing Team Members Who Do Not Interact With the Group Properly 

  • Any team member(s) that are disrepectful to other team members will first be confronted by the group as a whole.  If the person continues acting disrespectful in any way, a member of the instructional staff will be involved. 

Redinfining Goals, Expectations, and Responsibilites 

  • If anyone wants to redefine goals, expectations, and responsibilities, they are to inform the group of their proposal for new guidelines. If 75 percent of the group agrees with the proposed changes, the guidelines will be rewritten.  

Involving UTAs, GTAs, and Instructors 

  • A member of the instructional staff will be involved if a group meeting discussing the issue does not resolve the problem. If the person causing issues refuses to attend meetings or participate in group communications of any form, a member of the instructional staff may be involved without a group meeting.  

8)  Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s 

If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues. 

9) Team Signatures 

Paige Bormann 

Miho Kaburagi

Rachel Roman

Tatum Wilmes