The Performance Test 1 objective was to bring the AEV up an incline, stop 7 seconds for the gate to open, and then travel past the gate, while remaining on the track [1]. This was completed by programming the AEV to move forward using commands such as celerate(); and goToAbsolutePosition();. Other functions like goFor(); can also move the AEV. To stop before the gate, break the motors using the brake(); command.
// Accelerate from 0 to 30% power in 1 second
celerate(4, 0, 40, 1);
// Motors at 40% power for 6 ft
motorSpeed(4, 40);
celerate(4, 40, 0, 1);
// Pause for 7 seconds
// Motor speed 10% for 1 ft
motorSpeed(4, 10);
// Brake to stop before decline
For this Performance Test, the AEV was unpredictable. The team realized that the marks in the code where very far off from the dimensions of the track, as shown above. However, it was moving to the spot we wanted it to. After further thought, it was found that there was a problem with the Reflectance Sensors, and the Teaching Assistant helped the team to get them working again. The team also felt that the AEV brakes were unpredictable. In Performance Test 2, the team decided to change the code for the Performance Test 1 section. Instead of just braking and coasting to a stop, the AEV motors spin in the opposite direction to assist the AEV in stopping.