This design focused on reducing the weight and materials used for the AEV. The smallest base and arm are used. The propellers and the base for the propellers are also at an angle to help reduce the width of the AEV and improve the overall aerodynamics. The Arduino is placed on top of the base and the battery is placed beneath the base to maximize the amount of space being used.
PROS: aerodynamic wings, weight is evenly distributed
CONS: uses a lot of materials, relatively high cost, heavier than other designs
Tatum Wilmes’s Design (moving forward with)
This design was based off of the shape and function of a plane. Since the vehicle has propellers that allow the AEV to move, the plane shape will function and propel the same way a plane or rocket would. The battery is located directly under the Arduino board so it is able to be easily connected to the board. The wing-like sides will enable the AEV to move quickly and swiftly, like a bird.
PROS: aerodynamic structure, relatively low cost, evenly distributes weight
CONS: uses a lot of materials, heavier than other designs
Miho Kaburagi’s Design (moving forward with)
The design is based off of sample AEV. Changes were made to its base by using t-shape with triangular shape as a base. Made the battery holder a little bigger to make room for smooth battery replacement. Everything else was kept the same. Propellers are placed on the horizontal part of t.
PROS: cheapest of all designs, lightweight
CONS: doesn’t use wings to make it more aerodynamic
Rachel Roman’s Design
This designed was influenced by the default AEV design. The changes were made to replace the original L-shaped arm with the T-shaped arm to make the device lighter, replace the original T-base with a X-base, and use a bigger battery holder so the battery can comfortably fit. The propellors and wheels are now placed in a location that will accommodate these new adjustments. The wings were added to give aerodynamic behavior. Arduino is placed above the X-base, the battery underneath the X-base, and the motor is under the “flaps” of X-base.
PROS: aerodynamic wings
CONS: uses a lot of materials, most expensive design