Performance Test 2


The focus of performance test 2 was creating an effective code for the chosen AEV design. In performance test 2, the team was tasked with running the AEV to attach to the cargo, wait five seconds, and run a short distance towards the starting position. This performance test builds on performance test one. Division O’s approach is outlined below.

Design of track used:

Code Used:

motorSpeed(1,30); // initializes initial motor speed

goToAbsolutePosition(275); // go to near gate

reverse(1); // switches motor polarity

motorSpeed(1,50); // strengthens motor

goFor(0.5); // power brakes aev

motorSpeed(1,0); // makes motor run at 0 power

reverse(1); // changes motor polarity to go through gate

goFor(7); // waits 7 seconds for gate

motorSpeed(1,30); // makes motor run at 30 %

goToAbsolutePosition(565); // runs motor until it’s near the cart

reverse(1); // changes motor polarity to back towards gate

motorSpeed(1,50); // makes motor run at 50% for power breaking

goFor(0.5); // power brakes until it hits cart

motorSpeed(1,0); // makes motor run at 0%

goFor(6); // waits with cart

motorSpeed(1,40); // runs at 40% power

goToAbsolutePosition(385); // takes aev/cart back to gate

reverse(1); // reverses for power braking (back towards where we got cart)

motorSpeed(1,60); //60 % power for power-braking

goFor(1); // power brakes


Data Collected:

Observational Data

The AEV was able to pass through the gate, slowly connected to the cargo, and traveled a short distance in the reverse direction. The AEV seemed to struggle with the increased weight of the AEV. Power braking worked well at stopping the AEV at the gate and before reaching the cart


Improvements to the AEV:

The AEV was redesigned and larger walls were used on the driving wheel to ensure that the rubber band would not displace itself. New code was added and existing code was revised to accommodate the battery used for this performance test


Reflections for Future Testing:

  • Increase power of the AEV when carrying the cargo
  • Keep similar code to latch onto cart since it connected without pushing the cart back
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