Performance Test 2

For the second performance test the group had to have the AEV go through the first test, getting to the gate and then accelerating through. Then it had to go to the end of the rail to connect to the cargo without displacing it too much. The AEV then waited in the cargo loading zone for 5 seconds until it begins running backwards to the gate with the cargo.

Code Used:

reverse(1); //reverses motor one
motorSpeed(1,50); //sets motor one to 50% power
goToAbsolutePosition(289); //moves AEV to absolute position 289
brake(1); //brakes motor 1
reverse(1); //reverses motor one
reverse(2); /reverses motor two
motorSpeed(1,75); //sets motor one to 75% power
motorSpeed(2,75); //sets motor two to 75% power
goFor(.5); //continues last command for .5 seconds
motorSpeed(4,0); //sets both motors to 0% power
goFor(7); //continues last command for 7 seconds
reverse(1); //reverses motor one
motorSpeed(1,40); //sets motor one to 40% power
goToAbsolutePosition(454);//moves AEV to absolute position 454
motorSpeed(1,0); //sets motor one at 0% power
goFor(10); //continues last command for 10 seconds
motorSpeed(2,60); //sets motor two to 60% power
goToRelativePosition(-162);//, moves AEV to relative position 162
motorSpeed(4,0); //sets both motors to 0% power
goFor(11); //continues last command for 11 seconds
motorSpeed(2,60); //sets motor 2 to 60% power
goToRelativePosition(-35); //moves AEV to relative position 35

What the run looked like:

Data Gathered: