Lab 4 was concerned with the concept screening and scoring of the various designs to narrow down what the final design might be and to determine the standards at which the team believes the final AEV should hold itself to. The team decided to score each design on its energy efficiency, safety, durability, speed, and maneuverability. These criteria were chosen because safety is a major concern in any vehicle design as well as the vehicle’s performance. It was decided that these criteria provide a good basis to which the AEV should be constructed and compared to in order to achieve the intended results.
The two AEV designs that will be moving on for further analysis are Conner’s design and Ethan’s design as their models performed at or above the standards indicated by the reference design. Logan’s design seemed to perform above average in energy efficiency and durability but underperformed in safety and speed while Will’s design performed above average in energy efficiency and durability but underperformed in speed and maneuverability. Conner’s design excels at safety and durability while Ethan’s excels at energy efficiency, safety, and maneuverability.