Motor Quantity

The two pictures above depict the testing of motor configuration in our second a R&D . The first picture is a trial in which only one motor was used to move the AEV which conserved power but was not as effective in traveling a farther distance. The second picture is our second trial in which two motors were used to move the AEV which created both a greater speed and also a maximized travel distance. These results can clearly be seen in the attached images and graphs below. As far as power and distance, the configuration with one motor uses around 4.75 watts to travel about .28 meters while the configuration with two motors uses around 10 watts to travel about .75 meters. The Power vs Time graphs for both configurations clearly show a similar trend because they were performed under the same code. The only differences that they posses is their difference in range of data. Based off of these results, Team M has chosen to go with a two motor set up in order to have the most power at our disposal for towing and traveling uphill.


One motor configuration results

Two motor configuration results